Running for my life.

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I and some others from the light were checking in on a village where the last Death Eater attack had happened I had checked the deaths and who had survived from the village and when I checked I noticed every person who had died would have been someone I would never have talked to people who only made the world worse not that I would tell anyone this as they would probably accuse me of being a death eater like come on you could at least show me some loyalty but no. It was as we were finishing up checking all the houses to make sure they were empty and no one had got trapped luckily no one was there today. As we were walking away and getting into groups to apparate away with different adults. There were cracks as people arrived they were all clad in death eater uniforms with wands out ready to attack all of a sudden everyone fled unsure of what to do I just followed them and ran straight into the woods.

Finding myself deep in the heart of the wood, my heart pounding with every step and my senses going onto overdrive whilst my creature tries to come out to save me from the danger. I could hear the rustling of leaves and the distant sound of footsteps behind him, but I had absolutely no clue who was chasing me or their intent if they did manage to catch me whether they were light or dark if they would kill me save me or take me to someone else. The dense trees seemed to close in around me, casting eerie shadows that danced in the light and confused my sense of direction. My mind raced as he tried to remember all the spells I could legally use to protect myself and possibly even capture the other person if they did try to kill me or kidnap me. With my wand tightly gripped in my sweating hand, I continued to run, determined to outwit my pursuer and uncover who was chasing me and why they were so desperate to catch me. As I sprinted through the forest, my instincts kicked in. I began dogging and weaving through the trees, using my knowledge of escaping people to my advantage. Nimble movements allowed me to navigate the dense undergrowth with ease, but my purser still seemed to be catching up to me however hard I tried to lose them in the undergrowth. My heart pounded in my chest as I pushed myself to my limits, drawing upon everything he had learned from his experiences running from Dudley and his gang of friends ahh those days when they would leave me black and blue how fun for me but at least it's helping to save me know. I could hear curses being sent back and forth it sounded like the death eaters were trying to capture us whilst the light was doing whatever it took to survive no matter if legal or not how weird I thought we were meant to be good and legal. With each twist and turn, my mind raced, analyzing the situation and figuring out how to escape without a face-to-face. But as I ran I forgot to keep myself aware of any other people and ran straight into a clearing a trap and came face to face with....
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From now on I'm going to try to do it in the first person present tense but sorry if it slips around a bit. Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's not the longest hopefully the next chapter will be longer please do give me ideas for improvement or things you would like to do but rude comments will be ignored.-MyInkDreamer xx

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