Harry has a bad day and it's soon everyone's problem

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There will be self-harm in this chapter and really bad mental health this chapter is not vital to read so you can skip it but some things may be slightly confusing later on.

After the part last night everyone fell asleep quickly except me I spent the whole night fighting away nightmares hiding curled up in a corner hoping that I might get an okay night's sleep but no every time I slipped into sleep I would wake up quickly shaking and terrified from nightmares that plagued my mind. So as everyone else slowly woke I acted like I slept fine even as I downed too much coffee. Everyone looks so happy and I feel pushed out because I will never be good enough for everyone. I know I'm stressed but I have dealt with more. Everyone keeps glancing at me and asking if I'm okay and I keep saying yes even though I know I'm on the very edge of a bad relapse like never before no-one has any plans for that day so instead we all gather in a room to play games most of wich I tap out of playing.

As I sit there I feel my thoughts coming back with a vengeance this sort of thing very rarely happens and normally I can tell one of them instantly but today they are so happy with their mates and I don't know what to do so quietly I slip out grabbing a glass on my way out making sure no-one is watching luckily no-one is and wander up to one of my bathrooms and I quiet the thoughts the way I know will instantly work. I promise myself I will do it just once then tell them later after all they deserve a good day. The glass shatters smoothly and I gently drag it across my skin bringing to life red jewels.

Voldemort's P.O.V

I watch Potter carefully after what he walked in on yesterday between me and my mate. He does not look like he is going to tell anyone and if the amount of coffee is anything to go off he didn't sleep well. when we go to play games in the main sitting room I watch as he shakes his head and instead sits quietly in a corner looking like something is troubling him just as I am about to go talk to him he stands up and smoothly grabs a glass as he walks out he looks around and does not notice me watching him. Deciding to ask him later I focus back in on what the others are playing.


Everyone's head flicks up and Potter's friends instantly start looking for him.

"Shit did anyone see where he went," the werewolf asked a hint of worry lacing his voice. I nod and stand up following the magic trail he left behind until we come up to a locked bathroom I take a step back and let his friends work on opening what must have been five minutes later they open the door and come face to face with a blacked out potter with blood dripping slowly down his arms and thighs. I can see the glass he brought up in a thousand shattered pieces glittering on the floor. Narcissa is instantly next to him with potions and balms gently applying them I feed him the potions until he looks almost like this never happened. I can hear his friends sobbing blaming themselves and trying to figure out why he relapsed. I think they finally settled on everything that had happened just overwhelmed him.

Harry's P.O.V

My eyes slowly flicker open and I'm greeted by the sight of everyone gathered around and my friends crying.

"Afternoon everyone"

"Harry why didn't you tell us you were relapsing"

"You were all so happy and I was going to later but look I'm fine now."

"I guess but in future tell us." 

"No matter what" Someone chimes in.

"Okay that's fine I will tell you next time I promise. Now will someone help me up or am I just going to stay here forever." I'm surprised when Voldemort offers me a hand he still has not re-applied his glamour and neither have I. "Know why don't we continue and I will stay in someone's sight whenever possible."


So we go back and I take part in the games and idiocy and I'm always within someone's sight as the day comes to an end I have a feeling that I have forgotten something important that is meant to be happening soon. "Random question but what's the date today?" I ask with a little head tilt.

"It's the 23rd tonight." Lady Malfoy replies. 

"Harry you do realise this means you going to start nesting tomorrow?" Neville asks.

"Ahh shit" Is the only response I have

"Nesting what do you mean nesting?" One of the Lestrange twins asks confused.

"You're going to have to wait and find out."

Is there anything you guys want to see included in nesting or is it for me to freestyle?

-MyInkyDreamer Xx

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