Planning Dumbledore's end.

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~ Parseltounge ~

Over the next few weeks life seemed to kick into the dark they committed more raids and there ranks filled out and the light was starting to become afraid so everyone was looking at Dumbledore waiting for his next move and they were met with complete silence so instead the dark planned they planned the take over. They planned the last battle and they prepared. Prepared to win or die trying.

Harry's P.O.V

I'm sat in Tom's study Dray's of doing something with his friends but I needed a little quiet so chose to stay with Tom instead. I'm sat in his chair whilst he finishes up some paper work. My mind starts wondering and planning. Planning my future with my two amazing mates. My future with no Dumbledore. But how do we remove Dumbles is the question playing on my mind

Noticing Tom is done and just watching me I voice my question "How are we planning on removing Dumbledore?"

"I'm not sure love I have a few ideas but nothing perfect why?"

"Well the final battle is approaching and if we are going to win then we need a plan to remove him."

"Shit yeah we probably do what's your plans for tonight?" Tom asks and I smirk because. Yes I do have a slightly dirty mind.

"Nothing. Why? "

"Maybe we could do some planning and cuddling?"

"Sure" I responded I mean why not? The dark lord walks over and joins me on the chair which is more then big enough for the two of us.

I curl into him and he puts an arm over me pulling me closer and that's how the hours disappear away whilst we plan Dumbledore's end we throw away many ideas but most  instantly get forgotten until after an age we have a base plan sure we need a few more little details but at least we have a base. It is that I will be the one to end him in front of everyone so that my side is clear and so that I can make sure everyone is focused on me whilst some of the Death Eaters break in to Hogwarts.

Draco joins us after we had just finished the plotting and we spend the rest of the night like that all curled up in a chair sharing the warmth and it's the most comfortable I have felt in awhile.

3rd person P.O.v

Time skip to a couple of days later.

Everyone is spending endless hours training going over the plans and perfecting there strong points and improving there weak ones when one day out of nowhere news gets to the dark lord. Dumbledore wants the final battle and he wants it soon.

What's going to happen? We are coming to the end so what are people thinking? Thanks for staying with my book for so long.I have recently got wattpad on my phone so updates will fingers crossed become more regular. Please do go check pr my other book.

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