The old coot's dead.

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Days flew by as the final battle drew closer both sides were non stop meetings and preparing for the final battle for neither wanted to lose.

Harry's P.O.V

I was sat in a meeting it was the final one before the last battle so everyone was here even those who would not be fighting were here and all eyes where on Tom who was making sure everyone understood the whole plan. I already knew the plan after I had helped him create it but I was here to study people and figure out if we have any spies or rebellions in the making. 

Skip to the battle

Walking up to Hogwarts I stay hidden behind Tom not wanting to instantly be noticed after all I need to be a big distraction if this plan is going to work. We all stand there waiting as students, staff and the public pool out of Hogwarts and group in front of it.

From here I can see those who previously tried to kill my friends at last Dumbledore steps forwards and starts his speech towards his side.
"This war may come with many shocks and surprises but rember who they are and what they have done to our world."
He says knowing that he is going to be questioned when I appear but I must admit it would be a good cover if I didn't know all his lies.

Voldemort steps forward not to agrees is but to address Dumbledore.
"You say they should remember what we have done but do they know what you have done or should we tell them?"
Tom asks looking directly at Dumbles.

This is my signal to come forward so I do taking slow steps letting people recognise me and let all those facts sink in. Roars of outrage are pouring out of the light slowly turning to confused questions.
"Were you told I was dead? Because that is not the truth just another one of that old man's lies. Lies I saw through when he and others on the light tried to kill me and my family. So it that truly the side you want to take?"

Everyone looks confused as I continue to walk towards Dumbles after all my job is to kill him I point my wand at him and the final words he hears before he dies are "These are for those you killed for your game." After all that's the truth.

There are gasps and shouts of horror how could I do this to them?

I turn to Tom and just hug him letting myself enjoy his presence whilst his Death Eaters finish up the business. I can only imagine what changes will come with this.

Sorry for the late update I'm losing my will to finish this but luckily I only have two chapters left so please have some patience with me.


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