A couple more questions.

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~ Parseltounge ~

* Horcrux connection *

- Voldemort's P.O.V -

My mind goes blank he's Potter he can't be hurt by his family looking at potter I realise he looks like a deer in headlights realising that it is the truth and he was abused. Guessing now is not the best time for him to explain in the language of the snakes so that I know that he and he alone will fully understand what I'm saying.

~ We will be discussing this later. But for now, we will continue ~ 

~ Thank you~

- Harry's P.O.V -

Surprised that nothing else happened and that he did not explode I settle back a little ready for a long and most likely exhausting round of questions.

"Have you gone through a creature inheritance? "

" Yes, a partial one. " Not too bad for starting questions I guess.

"What do you mean by a partial inheritance? "

"I mean that I have got one of my creatures and I know that I will have mates. Yes, plural. But I don't know who the fuck my mates are or of any other creatures I may have I will go through the rest at the end of my next season. "

"What colour core do you have? "

" Pure grey. " I say with my little happy smile because it means that I get a choice over something. Yes, it may only be spells but at least it is something.

"What level of core do you have? "

" On the test, it said the same as Tom Maravolo Riddle and higher than Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. "

"What creature are you?"

"So far I know that I'm a Neko thus that cat ears," I say pointing to the two cat ears nestled in my hair " And if I could be bothered to stand up and get out from under this blanket there would be a cat tail"  I subconsciously pull the blanket closer like it could protect me from the world. "But there is always the possibility of me getting more creatures after the rest of my inheritance" 

(Are there any creatures you would like Harry to be or any characteristics you would like him to gain? )

" Are you a submissive or dominant? "

" I am submissive to both mates"

" Are your mate's light or dark?"

" The test said they were both dark if I remember correctly."

"That is me all done I know what I wanted to so I am going to go but I think Malfoy Junior and his friends have some questions for you."

"Please no," I say slumping into the chair that could be my fucking nightmare if they ask the wrong questions.

~ Have fun ~ Voldemort says walking off with a little smirk.

~ I hate you. You fucking bastard ~ Voldemort just ignores me sitting down at a table to think of whatever a dark lord thins over.

"Afternoon Potter if our guesses are right we have about five minutes before the potion wears off so let's get down to business." 

" Whatever you say ferret boy and friends. " I snark out ready to give up on my life.

"Why do you hate us? " Is the first question fired at me by a girl pansy I think her name is if my watching is correct Blaise Zabini is her mate. .... That sounds like I stalk them which I don't.

"I don't"

Most of them give me a disbelieving eyebrow raise but I ignore them in favour of waiting for the next question.

"What house did the hat first want to put you in? " Is Malfoy's question from me and I let out a groan. Why did it have to be that question?

"Dray, It was probably Gryffindor why would you waste our time on that?" 

"well let's wait and see what he says"

Letting a smirk slide onto my face I say "Nice question bleach blonde but the hat first wanted to put me in Slytherin I begged it not to because I was a brainwashed eleven year old"

I hear a couple of people start to choke on nothing but air and I can feel the potion wearing off and deciding why the fuck not I say. "Tut tut tut did your parents not teach you better than to listen into other people's conversations" shaking my head. By now everyone is staring at me.

What do you think so far I'm not sure where to take it so ideas and messages would be appreciated thank you for dealing with my sometimes iffy writing

-MyInkyDreamer xx

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