Where is Dumblefuck?

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*Horcrux Connection*

- Harry's POV -


Without thinking, I shifted into my panther form, launching myself at Dumbledore before he could finish the curse. He had Hermione in his sights, and I couldn't let him hurt her. I slammed into him, knocking him to the ground, pinning him under my weight. Growling, I bared my teeth and snapped at his face, keeping him down. He was too dangerous to let go—if I gave him even a second, he'd kill my friends. I couldn't fail them, not again.

I could hear the others calling my name, trying to get me off him, but I wasn't moving. Not until I knew they were safe.

Potter, get off him. I won't let him harm your friends. Voldemort's voice slithered into my mind, calm but commanding.

Reluctantly, I flicked my head toward him, then slinked away from Dumbledore, shifting back into my human form as I approached Voldemort. Embarrassed, I mumbled, "Sorry," scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. My friends were watching, and I was about to check on them, worried the protective spell I'd cast earlier was starting to wear off.

But before I could speak, Dumbledore's cold voice cut through the air. "Wrong move, Tom."

I spun around, but it was too late. The sharp crack of apparition echoed across the clearing. Dumbledore had fled.


I suppose you could say that. Voldemort's response was dry, almost amused.

I glanced at the Death Eaters, trying to read their reactions. Their mouths hung open in shock. I tried to stifle my laughter, but it was useless. It bubbled up before I could stop it, and soon I was doubled over, gasping for breath. My friends joined in, their laughter echoing mine.

Through my laughter, I managed to wheeze out, "Close your mouths—you'll catch flies."

That set my friends off even more, their laughter growing louder. Voldemort, on the other hand, looked thoroughly unimpressed, standing stiff amidst the chaos. The Death Eaters finally snapped their mouths shut, still trying to process what had just happened. Most of them were members of the Inner Circle, the so-called "Dark Elite."

I caught my friends' eyes and nodded toward the Death Eaters. Understanding, they wandered over, striking up conversations with those they recognized—some of them likely their partners or family. Padfoot and Moony, meanwhile, were catching up with old friends and family, chatting casually like this wasn't the weirdest day of our lives.

So, Potter, what happened while you were waiting for us to save you? Before you begged me to intervene?

Voldemort's question startled me so much I nearly tripped. I shot him a look, steadying myself.

Merlin, give a warning next time before you speak. You almost made me trip off a cliff.

I turned my attention back to my friends, watching them laugh and talk with their mates. A pang of envy hit me—I wished I knew who my mate was. But I had no clue. And there was still the Dumbledore problem looming over us. #It's always something.#

Voldemort's voice interrupted my thoughts again, colder this time. You still haven't answered my question, you insufferable brat. And face me when I'm speaking. I've just saved your worthless hide—you owe me at least some respect.

Still not turning to him, I replied, It's kind of a long story, so we might want to get comfortable. Maybe wherever you're hiding out these days? Also, I'm good not facing you. Why are we even speaking in Parseltongue right now? Trying to freak everyone out?


-MyInkyDeamer xx

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