The dark's new rule.

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Over the next few weeks things change so quickly my Tom takes control of the government and instantly starts making changes luckily there is very little rebellion or resistance but any that do happen are quickly found and cut out sadly tha has lead to some lose of life but at least not as much as there would have been under Dumbles control.

Soon people get used to seeing all sorts of creatures freely wandering the streets after Tom quickly changed those laws. And many businesses start to thrive better and knocturn ally become a little less terrifying.

My bond with Tom and Draco counties to thrive and grow until we can faintly sense each others emotions.

Tom likes just holding me and Draco close like he's reassuring himself that we are his and that we aren't going anywhere ever.

Draco likes spoiling me which I found out after I first let him take me out shopping.

And me.. I just like knowing that two people will love and take care of me forever.

Some other large changes that the new government brings in include a change of Hogwarts curriculum and a new headmistress who me and Draco helped Tom chose to be ... Snape and McGonagall they are going to be in charge together.

Another big change was that most limits on magic got removed and we found out I have an affinity to see people's magic and there emotions which is quite useful.

I chose not to return to Hogwarts wanting to not be a spectacle but Dray returned and keeps us updated on how it's going constantly.

Only one chapter left sorry this chapter was short there's not much for me to really say now.


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