Harry's lonely as fuck.

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~ Parseltounge ~

* Horcrux connection *

~ Wait how do you get your follower's attention ~

~ The mark ~

" ohh " The main thought that flashes through my mind is - Isn't there a way he could do it without hurting them -  I do a quick whistle which instantly has my friends looking over at me and I beckon them closer so I can explain our side while Voldemort does his Dark lord stuff.

Mionie looks me dead in the eyes and asks "What's the plan now Hades? " I realise we could turn and run away from the war we could go to the light and die or we could join the dark my friends would be happy with their mates and I would get the chance to fuck up this world after all it's done to me.

Looking up I make my final decision so that Moony and Sirius finally get to find their dominant. So that my friends who I would die for can be happy so that I can find my place in this fucked up world "Join them"

All their faces light up with the idea of spending the rest of their lives by their mate's side and knowing deep down this was the only option. I shoo them away telling them to go to their mates so that we can get out of this woods. I finally stand up from where I was sitting and walk over to the Dark side and my new life. Everyone scatters over to their mates except Remus and Siri who just go over to two random Death eaters whom they obviously previously knew. With a nod of the dark lord's head everyone starts apparating away until it's just me and the dark lord he holds out his arm and just before I take it I ask 

" Do we have to apparate?"

Without a reply, we pop off and it feels like we are getting through tight tubes whilst being spun fast and when we land on the other side I stumble and almost fall feeling nauseous.

" Yes we do "

~ bastard ~

~now that's not very nice you are in my space now ~

" Anyhow you probably have about a thousand questions so how about some food and we sit somewhere whilst we answer all your questions? "

"Fine but you're answering the questions under veritaserum "

" Perfect now where are we going to sit?"

The dark lord just starts walking and we follow like sheep behind the shepherd when we finally get to a room we all file inside. It fully hits me how lonely I am as everyone starts sitting around the room with their mates. I didn't even realise Greyback (I think that's what his last name is but I'm not sure) had joined us and he was sitting with Padfoot and Moony on a couch. The mates went:

Fred x Rabastan

George x Rodolphus

Neville x Luna ( I forgot these two at the beginning sorry)

Remus x Sirius x Fenir

(it will eventually also include Blaise x Pansy and Harry x Draco x Tom )

I just find a comfy egg chair and curl up in it I know this will take a long time and my glamour is starting to be patchy so I send out a mental message to my friends asking "Should we all drop our glamour's?" I get nods in return from everyone and count to three before we all drop our glamour's their mates are instantly cooing over them and I just grab a  blanket and curl up even tighter with it. I turn slightly so I can watch everyone from where I'm sat the Dark Lord is quietly talking to Lucius, Bellatrix and some others I don't know the name of. Lucius stands and sends out a corporeal Patronus with a message. Which makes me laugh a little 

"What you laughing about pott-"

Lucius freezes staring at me and I figure what he can currently see is my cat ears and long hair if the blanket was any lower than my shoulders as it currently is he would see scars from years of abuse and my body having a more feminine figure. Soon everyone is staring at me tired and snarky. 

I snap back "What want me to twirl like a petty prince? and I'm laughing because that's how the order of phoenix communicates Lucy and when are we doing the question time I'm getting bored?"

I hear a chorus of Harry's from my friends but there happy with their mates and they don't have anything to lose under the veritaserum. My whole world could be destroyed under veritaserum. So snapping back because I'm too overwhelmed I almost yell at them "What you were quite happy to leave me the second you found your mates and what could you possibly lose under the veritaserum nothing that's what my whole world could be destroyed under veritaserum bet you forgot that? Well fuck off then "

Just as I finish snapping there is a knock "Come in" The Dark Lord says and in comes Draco and his little gang " We got you the veritaserum, my lord"

"Thank you it's for them" he nods in my and my friend's directions Draco sees me and Starts choking on air. "Surprised Blondie " Deciding not to take the bait he gives me a bottle of veritaserum and walks off. My friends all take it first and I want to ask them some stuff but with the glares coming at me I just sigh and chuck it back. Everyone turns to look at the Dark Lord You may question anyone except Potter I will be dealing with him. As he is walking over I steady myself for some sort of explosion from him at some point.

"Let's start with this Who raised you?"

"A muggle family" At this he raises a hairless eyebrow "What are they like?"

"Do I have to answer that? " I ask for some reason I know he will say yes but I hope he says no.

" Yes. It can't be that bad"

"They were abusive worse than the muggles you lived with"


What do you think so far I don't know where this story should go do you guys have any ideas? What do you think of the ships?


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