Let's get going.

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~ Parseltounge ~

* Horcrux*

~ Whilst it is funny to see my followers squirm no. I was hoping you might accidentally spill something if you realised it was just me who would understand ~

Gently snickering to myself I respond with  "I hope it's no surprise that I'm not that stupid. If I were to tell you everything, it could put my friends in danger. And I think by now, you can guess just how far I'm willing to go to protect them," I say to Voldemort.

He responds with a simple "mmm," acknowledging my words.

We both stand in silence for a while, watching the others socialize. Eventually, I grow tired and decide to sit on a nearby tree stump. We sit there in a comfortable silence until Voldemort breaks it by asking me, "Who's your mate? Clearly, they're not part of my elite, otherwise you would be over there with them. So, who are they?"

"I'll explain later when we're somewhere safe. Do you want to move out now?" I ask.

"I'm the one in charge, but I agree it may be a good idea to leave before any of the light comes back," Voldemort responds.

Betrayal - Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now