Azkaban escape

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A lot changed over the next few weeks the first big change was that Harry was always near one of his mates rather then his mates. The others believed this to be because of him having an underlying belief that at some point they were going to up and leave wich they couldn't do if he was right there. But his mates rather enjoyed that he was always right there after all if he was right there he was easier to protect.

The other big change was the plan that everyone had been working on. It was for a mass Azkaban escape so that the dark could get back to full numbers before the final battle which Dumbles had been planning for years. With the help of Sirius after his little trip there they were able to iron  out the last little details of the plan. 

The plan was this in groups of 5 one of who must be able to cast a Patronus will go to different levels where they will free all death eaters on that level before apparating away. No group is to start conflict they need to get in and out as quick as possible. The only difference was Harry and Voldemort who were going as a pair to free the most powerful death eaters.

- Time skip to the big day -

The morning of the bis day everyone is on edge wanting to get this over and done with Narcissa is finishing up the temporary hospital that had been set up in riddle manor. As the clock strike 10 everyone apparates away preparing themselves for what they may face.

Harry's P.O.V

Taking a deep breath I grab Tom's hand and we apparate away standing tall and daunting right in front of us is the grey building. It gives off the feeling of death and sadness but still we head in.We slip in through a crack siri used to escape Death munchers following close behind us. Every now and then I do have to conjure an expecto patronum but other then that it is clear sailing as we head up groups heading off at each level to grab there in prisoned comrades. As we reach the last few levels I attach myself to Tom's side not liking the felling. As we reach the finall level where we will be freeing people I freeze.

Grabbing Tom's arm I Shush him and listen after a few seconds he quietly under his breath asks "What's the problem kitten?" 

"I can hear someone ."

Walking slowly closer we see who it is.

It's dumbles and he's trying to get auntie bella to spill.

Through our little mental connection I ask Tom what we should do. His only response is fight. Understanding I slip in front of him until I'm in the perfect place to fight whilst Tom frees the death eaters, I let out one sharp whistle and he is instantly focused on me I flick out a cutting hex and he instantly falls back whilst keeping half an eye on tom I continue to duel him. Tom frees them one by one but seems to be having a little struggle on the last cell lock so I up my spells.

 Tom finally manages to get the last lock undone and those fit enough to apparate grab others and apparate away. It's at this exact moment that Dumbledore  finally turns around and seeing them all gone he get's mad and is all of a sudden attacking me with no hesitation. I am barely managing to hold my ground when I feel Tom's hand on my shoulder. So I leave Dumbledore with the words " Count the next few days because they will be your last" I don't get to see his reaction because Tom instantly whips me away to safety.

I stumble and fall as we arrive I feel so exhausted that my eyes instantly start to close. I can faintly hear dragon trying to keep me awake but I'm to tired and now he's holding me in my arms I'm nice and warm. So I let my consciousness slip away and fall asleep. 

I wake up later I have no clue how long I slept for but all I know is that I'm no longer in dragon's arms. Carefully sitting up I look around and notice I'm in somebody's bedroom. Slipping out of the bed I was lying in I pad toward the door and open it following my gut I walk for awhile till I'm back at the dinning hall. Opening the door everyone turns to look at me but my eyes instantly lock on Tom and Draco running to them I collapse into a hug.

Draco's P.O.V

 After my two mate's re-appeared Harry literally collapsed into my arms and I was so scared when he fell asleep and wouldn't wake back up. That I may have started to cry but Rom came over and explained whilst hugging me that Harry's core was exhausted so he had to sleep so it could recover after he fought Dumbledore.  It took me awhile to pull myself back together even whilst I was in Tom's arms. When I was finally doing better we carried Harry and left him in Tom's bed whilst we went to do a few things to help those who just came back.

- A little time skip -

Me and Tom where sat together starting to eat when the we heard the door open and just like everyone else we both looked to see who had entered. It was Harry but he looked extra cute with ruffled bed hair and a I just woke up look that I stared for a little while before he ran straight at us and just hugged us like there was no tommorow. Everyone else instantly focused back on there food and resumed conversation not wanting to disturb us. We sat there for awhile making sure Harry ate some food before heading to the Dark lord's study to keep him company whilst he did some work. I think me and har might have fallen asleep together under a couch at some point.

What do you think? Only 4 chapters left but I already have an idea or two for what I'm going to work on after this. Is there anything you want to see happen or included? Thank you for reading my book.


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