Creature inheritance

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~Parseltounge ~

3rd person P.O.V

Everyone expected to be awoke by screams or noises of pain that night knowing how  painful a full Inheritance truly was for everyone an Inheritance is painful because your body evolves and changes to suit your new self. So after waking up after a perfect nights sleep everyone is worried about Harry yes, even Voldemort.

Harry's P.O.V

As we all set off for bed I started to prepare myself for the pain that everyone knows comes with a Inheritance. I decide the best way to keep myself silent so that I will not disturb the others whilst they are sleeping.

Time skip to midnight

As the clock hits the final strike of midnight I feel overwhelming pain muffling myself as I put up a noise cancelling spell around me. No longer able to hold it in I let out a small sob of pain. It's so painful I feel as if my back is breaking. Dots start to cloud my vision and my mind goes hazy. I sit down preparing to black out. Another wave of pain hits me and my senses are completely overwhelmed.

The world goes black.

Waking up I slowly blink almost like an owl. I can faintly hear the others murmuring to each other probably trying my creature. So careful not to hit any of my new features I stand up and walk over to the full sized mirror everyone is staring at this point and it's making me nervous I mean what could have possibly changed that much.

 Looking into the mirror I now full understand I'm unexplainable I have two sets of wings one of wich are angel wings that settle and when I focus on them they fold away and hide from sight the other set is even more confusing it looks like the phoenix wings but black and those two creatures could not co-exist after all the angel is the lightest of all creatures and the dark phoenix is the darkest of all creatures I am both end's of the scale. 

That's impossible.

 Going on to avoid getting even more confused I notice that just behind where my cat ear's sit are antlers that look like deer antlers. I still have my cat tail but my mind is so boggled by all my creatures that I just stand there staring at myself for awhile. Finally coming out of the trance like state I notice all my senses have improved like I can hear the house elves downstairs like I never could before and smell the pancakes they must be making for breakfast. With that reminder of food I feel a bout of hunger strike me. 

With a small smile aa spin and ask "So what do we do now?"

everyone else is still staring at me except Voldemort so he is the one to reply with "I suppose  you will want to do a goblin test to find out more about your Inheritance but we should probably eat first"

"Yeah sure"

He stands and walks out and we all follow my mind still reeling from my new inheritance as we walk down I start to figure out how come I'm both fully dark and fully light according to my inheritance you see I have been the emblem for the light for most my life and done that for so long that I am purely light from that side but if you look at it from the other side I hide what was happening in my family wich could only be seen as dark deeds I was connected to the most dark being so yes I am both fully dark and fully light it just depends wich side you see it from. I still don't understand the Neko bit or antlers but there a problem for another day.

Coming out from pondering I realise we have arrived at the dining hall. Everyone sits down and eats to there heart's content I mainly focus on fruits not wanting to put anything hard to stomach in my body quite yet. As we are all finishing up Voldemort stands and everyone is instantly focused on him "We will be heading to Gringotts later so if anyone wishes to come go get ready."

Everyone is instantly up and heading off in different directions.

Chapters may become slightly shorter and more random because I am currently dealing with some things so sorry and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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