My mates are...

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We all meet by the door before getting into pairs where we apparate straight outside of Gringotts as we walk in I give the goblins at the door a quick nod leaving them looking startled that I showed them even an ounce of respect we head over to one of the goblin tellers and wait whilst he talk to another goblin once his conversation is finished he turns to us and ask.

"What do you need?"

Taking charge I reply " We were wondering if some of us could get an Inheritance test?" The goblin nods and jumps off his stool before beckoning us all to follow we all do he leads us down twisting corridors until I have no clue were we are he opens a door and we all fill in sitting in multiple seats around the room. The goblin sat down at the desk at sorted through his papers for awhile so I looked around the only thing I really take notice of is a door to the side the goblin coughs brining my attention back to him.

"Whoever is planning on taking a test please cut your hand with this dagger" He says raising a dagger. "and put 5 drops of blood on the parchment."

Stepping forward I grab the dagger and sit my palm I count each of the 5 slow drops before healing my hand as word appear on the sheet. Picking it up I read it and slowly my mind seems to start working.

Full Name - Hadrian James Potter-Black (Dead)
Birth Mother - Lily J. Potter (née Evans) (Dead)
Birth Father - James Fleamont Potter
Godfather - Sirius Orion Black
Godmother - Alice Longbottom (Insane)
Sibling - None
Guardian - None 
Core - 50% Blocked
Parseltounge - 100% Blocked (broken)
Parsel Magic - 100% Blocked (removed)
Wandless Magic - 100% Blocked (removed)
Wordless Magic 100% Blocked (removed)
Trust Potions - A.P.W.B.D , Ron Weasley , Molly Weasley , Ginny Weasley , Light side (Fully Broken)
Hate Potions - Tom Riddle , Draco Malfoy , Slytherins , Severus Snape , Dark side (Fully Broken)
Oblivates - 1,4,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
Love Potion - Ginevra Weasley (Broken)
Compulsions - Gryffindor , A.P.W.B.D , Laziness , Bravery , Hero Complex , submissive (broken)
Inheritance - Neko , Angel , Dark Pheonix , Stag
Mate/s - Draco Lucius Malfoy , Tom Marvolo Riddle 
Soul Colour - Rainbow
Dark/Light - Pure grey
Power - 90/100
Extra - T.M.R's Horcrux (Unremovable) 

"Shit" It's the only response I can manage falling back into my chair.

"Come on Har it can't be that bad" Siri says trying to make me feel better about whatever I just discovered.

"Wait till you read it." I respond giving myself a little more time to recover before I do let them read it. Handing it over to Siri I watch as his eyes widen and he takes in a sharp intake of breath.

"So who are you mates?" Voldemort asks obviously a little curious.

Putting on a little smile I manage to respond with "My mates are You and Draco." I'm instantly up and ready to run after I have said that unsure of how they will react. Instead Tom holds out his hand and my test is instantly put in his hands by someone. His eyes scan the whole sheet before looking at me his eyes flick between me and the sheet for awhile before a pleased little grin slips onto his face. Malfoy is just looking from me to tom and back again like he is unsure of who to go to first.

Deciding to take the lead I walk towards Draco and just hug him burying my face into his neck to try and get as much of his scent as I can. Meanwhile he bury his face into my hair and I can feel his smile. I feel so safe that it surprises me I can't rember the last time I felt this safe. After a couple of minutes standing there like that I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and Draco.

What do people think? Sorry about the late post I had loads to do today. Hope you enjoyed.


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