Shit! Potter's nesting

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I gently stretch before standing up everyone else is already up so deciding a small wonder and looking for a good place for my nest will probably be a good idea now walking out I wander around for an hour or so until I find a hidden corner in a library that is just screaming at me that this is the perfect place calling a house elf I ask them to start making a nest here for me they nod quickly and pop away to find bedding.

Turning around I wander towards the room we were all in yesterday opening the door I find them all bundled in chatting.

"Harry! I assume you found your nesting spot?"

I just give her a nod and the other's all look like they understand so I'm guessing Hermione explained the whole shenanigans to them and the fact that I may steal some of their clothes or blankets or things with their scents.

Going with what my creature wants I go and curl up next to Siri and he starts petting my hair whilst continuing his conservation with whoever he is talking to I just nod curling in on myself a little bit I hear Malfoy senior and some other DEs leave but Voldemort is still here along with Malfoy junior and his friends but for some reason, my Neko tells me I'm safe so I uncurl a little which I faintly hear gain a noise of surprise from the dark lord before I fall asleep again.

I wake up to Siri gently shaking me saying that we are all going to eat I follow along and when we arrive grab a couple of strawberries before curling up in a soft seat it's almost perfect except for the scent so gently calling for a house elf I ask for one of the dark lord's cloaks one of Draco's pillows and a couple of things from my other friends the elf nods and quickly gives it all to me. Someone must have looked over and seen the cloak and pillow and alerted Voldemort and Draco because I could hear the two of them choking on air in their surprise.

Gently raising my head I mumble out. "Not my choice my fucking Neko told me to." which shuts them both up I fall back asleep the days go much like that me sleeping curled up surrounded by my safe scents and only being awoken to move to another location. It's on the last day of nesting that the last surprise comes out when I go downstairs still half asleep everyone expects me to move towards my friends but instead, I head towards the dark lord and curl up next to him on the couch with Draco on the other side on me complete silence follows everyone waiting for Draco or the dark lord to snap and to be honest so do I but I'm tired and really should care more but don't. Instead, the dark lord gently reaches over and starts petting my ears softly whilst Draco just plays with the end of my hair both of which resulted in me letting out a content purr. That is how the rest of the day is spent not once moving till later just for me to go to bed preparing for my creature inheritance which was expected to happen overnight.

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