A private conversation

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~ Parseltounge~

< A time skip brought to you by nagani >

~ Potter I think it's about time for that chat we mentioned earlier~

~ Fine give me a sec ~

"Guys where will we be sleeping tonight? "

In the time whilst waiting around we have become friends with Malfoy junior and his friend group and it's the looks they give each other the second I ask that question before opening their mouths that truly terrifies me

"We could..."

"Pansy NO"

"But it will be funnnnn"

"Wait what are you guys talking about?" I ask baffled as fuck. 

"Pansy wants us all to have a giant sleepover in my room bu .." 

 "Yes absolutely" I say butting in before he can even finish whatever he is saying. 

"Fine," he says with a defeated sigh. 

"Okay I need to but I will meet y'all in ferret's room" Hearing multiple noises of agreement I turn around to face the dark lord who is watching everything that is going on. He gives me a hairless eyebrow raise and I smile to try to cover up the terror I'm feeling about what may occur. The dark lord just nods and starts walking away holding the door whilst I run to catch up so that I'm walking next to him rather than behind him.

 ~Such a gentleman holding the door open for poor innocent me~ I say not wanting to stay in awkward silence. 

"Mhm" is all I get in agreement.

 "Where are we going?" 

"Somewhere private. Do you have any patience?" 


Falling back into silence me running every couple of steps to keep up with Voldemort's long strides.

~ Stupid master ignoring me to watch other stupid, annoying people when he should focus on me~

I hear what I assume to be Voldemort's snake hiss behind us so turning around I reply. ~ HEY, I'm not that stupid annoying yes stupid no ~

I hear the snake freeze and then speed slither to catch up.

~Sorry I did not realise you were a speaker.~

~ It's fine and it's not like it's something I tell people.~

~I'm tired will you carry me? Please? ~


Just as Nagini settles on my shoulders we arrive at a door to wherever I assume we will be talking. Voldemort turns around and seems barely affected by the fact his familiar is sitting on my shoulders.

"I see you have met Nagini."

" Yeah she said she was tired and wanted to be carried"

nodding he continues "And this is where we will be continuing this talk" Opening the door he says "Welcome to the dark lord's office" with a smirk.

After entering we move around a bit until he is sat in his chair by his desk and I am sat opposite him in a massively padded chair.  It's so soft that I never want to move again plus it makes my submissive side purr in happiness. Knowing that this is not the reason we are here I look into Voldemort's eyes and ask.

"Where do you want to start?"

Voldemort sits there for a moment as if deciding where to start then finally deciding he replies slowly and carefully as if scared of scaring me off.

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