Maybe the darks not so bad

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*Horcrux connection*

All around me, I could see people who I had fought next to holding onto the people I cared for Ron was holding onto Hermione. Sirius and Remus were being held by two people I did not recognise Molly and Ginny were holding the twins and there were others I recognised from Order of the Phoenix meetings as I span around I came face to face with Dumbledore's wand my mind was reeling unsure of what was happening and what I could do. I felt the Horcrux connection with Voldemort start to throb almost like it wanted me to use it. Focusing back on what is happening Dumbledore starts talking about how I have started misbehaving and how if I had continued to take the potions and being a good little weapon then he would not have to do this.

An evil glint came into his eyes and he spoke in that grandfatherly voice " My dear boy we will use you and your friends to set an example to the rest of the world. But first I think we should use you and your friends as practice for the dark side how does that sound my dear boy"

Looking him in the eyes I said clearly "You stuck-up bastard I would rather join the dark than do as you wish ever again" I faintly hear Voldemort's laugh in my head and realise that I let the barrier on our connection slip I speedily put up a block. Trying to figure out the best way to protect my friends I remember a spell which you can put over a maximum of 10 people depending on your magical strength and any pain that they feel during the time the spell is on them they will not feel but you will. Without another second of hesitation, I murmur the incantation under my breath.

Dumbledore calls to some people who manhandle me to the side I watch as my friends are chucked to the floor and I feel black and blue already but my friends look surprised probably because they felt no pain I watch as curse after curse is fired and each one of them is held under a crucio by dumb-as-a-door after which my whole body feels like it is on fire they are picked up one by one covered and cuts and bruises looking like me after a bad beating from Vernon.

I'm picked back up and dumped in the middle of the clearing "My boy we will have our fun with you before making you watch each of your friends being slowly and painfully killed" Dumbledore says barely even glancing at me. My mind takes a few seconds to figure out what he just said. # fuck fuck what can I do# Then it hits me my only option to save my friends is to beg fucking Voldemort sighing to myself I take down the barrier I put up to block Voldemort and mentally cough.

*The- boy- who - wouldn't - die here I may need your help*

* What do you want brat? *

* Dumbledore is about to kill me and my friends who are mostly mates of your inner circle and uhh I may need you to save us * ( what parings will you want I have some in mind but I'm not sure yet)

* no *

* please I will do anything *

* anything? *

*yeah that's what I said* # shouldn't have said that should I#

* even joining the dark? *

* YES now will you come to help us or not? *

* fine insolent brat where are you *

* sends a mental image of the clearing *

* we will be there in like 10 minutes can you manage to survive that long or will you get yourself killed?*

* I should be fine*

The connection goes blank and I'm pulled back into what's currently happening surprised Voldemort chose to help us. I seem to have missed the rest of Dumbledore's speech/torture plan.

- torture warning -

Wands were being pointed at me from every angle my body already feeling like it had been abused was ready to take it all on if it meant that my friends would stay safe I have no clue what curses were being sent at me but I could feel cuts being formed all over my body whilst crucio's were held on me no matter how hard I squirmed I never let out a single noise because as I have learnt from experience making noise only makes it worse. I could only imagine how this would look if my glamour's weren't continually hiding the marks I knew they were leaving. I could faintly hear my friends screaming at them to stop but the light ignored them. I heard footsteps crunching closer then there were feet kicking me breaking my ribs and making sure I wouldn't be feeling top-notch for a while.

- end of torture -

I was picked back up and set to the side when Dumbledore pointed his wand at Hermione. "I think you shall be the first to die"

"Afternoon" ( I'm sorry but I felt like this is what Voldemort would say to them 😭)

~ finally did you have to take that long~


Death eaters were surrounding us making sure the order of flaming chicken could not escape. But all the order apparated away with just a nod from Dumbledore leaving my friends free to move but they were frozen in shock about what was unravelling.

"Hello Tom"

"Don't use that infernal name you bumbling old man"

"thank you" was all I could get out as relief washed over me that my friends were safe.

" Oh you called on him did you potter to try and protect your friends? Too bad he can't stop me doing this."

"doing what"


- 3rd POV-

Out of nowhere a ball of black fur goes flying into Dumbledore knocking him over no longer is Potter standing in pure relief for when he realised one of his friends is about to get hurt he transformed into his panther form and went barrelling towards Dumbledore knocking him over.


Sorry for leaving it like that but if you notice any mistakes or things that don't make sense please let me know.

If there are any ships or plotline ideas you want then please let me know this is already tomarry of course.

-InkyDreamer xx

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