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"Why!?..", barcode asked the person standing Infront of him holding his tears.

"I'm sorry", the person said leaving his hand . As he turned back barcode asked him, "Is this the end? Are you leaving me for forever?"

"There is something I've left for you. I don't have any courage left to answer your question code. I believe once you find it , you'll have your answer. But please when you get your answer, DON'T HATE ME", the person said before leaving the place, letting barcode broke down in tears.

I was driving the car to get to the hospital of my friend. It wasn't the first time that i needed to take someone there but this feeling was new to me. I never thought in my life to feel regret.

"Why it needed to happen?", i asked myself in disbelief. Everything that happened last night was unbelievable.

But the image of barcode was so lustful that i couldn't resist. I tried my best to pulled out. But he forced me. He shouldn't have lied to me at the first place after doing everything to get my attention like a puppy.

"Puppy!!", a little chuckle left my mouth as i remembered the face he made last night.

I was lost in my thoughts when i heard some noise.  As i looked beside to see where the noise was coming from , i saw barcode uttering something in his sleep.

I pulled the car and unbuckled my seatbelt and came close to him.

Barcode slumped against the car window, his brow creased in the grip of an unwanted dream, as the gentle afternoon sun tenderly brushed his face. With each passing moment, the rhythmic hum of the car melded with the soft whispers of wind outside.

Suddenly, a hand materialized, reaching out to rouse him from his reverie, as a faint voice murmured his name, gently pulling him back into the realm of wakefulness.

"Code...code!!", barcode heard someone calling his name.

In that fleeting realm between sleep and wakefulness, he found himself teetering on the edge of two worlds. A whisper of a voice, distant yet familiar, tugged at the fringes of his consciousness, calling his name.

"Don't leave me..... please....", barcode whispered in a low voice.

As he slowly stirred, the remnants of a dream faded, leaving behind a bittersweet echo. Reality seeped in, and he realized it wasn't a figment of his imagination beckoning him, but the faint echo of a person he had once loved, now reaching out from the world outside his dreams.

"Barcode... Wake up..", i tried to wake him up from whatever he was dreaming but the only thing i could hear was his whispering about something.

"Wake up!!", my frustrations was getting out of control as i tried to wake him up.

Finally after a lot of tries he finally woke up but his face was blank as he saw some kind of ghost Infront of him.

But that didn't bother me as his eyes were staring at mine . His beautiful doe eyes, the long
black eyelashes  is so mesmerizing that anyone can fall for this innocent face.

Without even realizing, my hands approached his soft face. Everything about him was so addicting that without my realization i was getting addicted to him.

"Don't blame me if i do anything wrong. It's your fault to be like this", i said in his ear before kissing his sweet lips.....

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