chapter -14 (18+)

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(READER ATTITUDE: This chapter contains adult contents like Force, violence etc.  If you're under 18 I'll prefer you to skip this chapter

But If you want to read, that's you decision. I'm just warning thing can go dark from now 😶😉)

"Everything will be done just as you like. I'll be gone as you wanted. Even though I'm stuck in a contract that i don't want to be a part of it anymore, I'll try not to disturb you anymore. I HOPE MY EXISTENCE WON'T BOTHER YOU ANYMORE ", barcode thought sitting on the wet grass feeling the cold  breeze.

The feeling of lost was drowning him into a dark way where no one was there. The feeling of being alone even after having everyone.

Barcode hugged his leg close to comfort himself but his feeling was getting hard on him. He tried to hold his tears but his heart wanted to scream. Everything was falling apart for him.

"Why?? Why you had to do this to me arun ?? Why!?", barcode said while tears started dropping like rain . "Why you left me when i needed you the most? ", barcode said.

The pain of losing a best friend who was there for his ups and downs was killing him from inside but more than that jeff's behavior was hurting him like hell.

He wanted to run away from everything and everyone. But he couldn't. Cause he was bounded by something which he regrets to accept.

He remembered the moment when he saw Jeff throwing his love away like a piece of trash without even acknowledging  the love barcode has putted into it. "Why do you hate me so much!?", barcode asked but unfortunately there was no one to answer him.

He told his family that he will go camping with some of his friends but the truth was he was completely alone in the pick of the cliff , Where there was no one to see him ....

Soon the night fall and barcode tried to control his emotion , his feeling. He just wanted to accept the fact that the two person he loved most was gone. One left him without even saying goodbye and other will never love him...

It was almost evening when i reached down the mountain where creamy said barcode was going on a camping with his friends but as far as i saw there was no one.

I saw a man down the cliff and asked him if someone was there. At first he said he didn't know but soon after getting some money he said barcode was there but for my another shocking news there was no one else except that fucker.

My mind went black in anger. It was getting hard for me to control my feeling. The fact that he lied and came here alone was enough to make me sick. But the question why he was doing it was enough to control the anger.

Right at the moment, i just wanted to see him safe. I don't know why but i really wished he was safe.

After getting some food and equipment to hike i started my journey. About a hour later i finally saw a tent Infront of me.

I was exhausted but i wanted to ruin him for making me suffer this much. But the scene i saw Infront of me didn't make me anger but turned me into the devil everyone scars.

My lust was taking over me. My eyes were screaming to go close to the boy i was looking at and fuck him till he forgets his name. The feeling i wanted to hide deep inside my mind was arising like a sun. My legs were walking by himself.

After a full day to hiking and feeling down I wanted to take shower , i wanted to feel relax forgetting everything. There was a waterfall near the place i build the tent for me. It was getting dark also so i didn't waste anymore time and went there.

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