chapter -13

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The next day, all actors need to attend their schedules since its kinda important day. They had to filmed the acting class with their partner. Mile, apo and the other BOC cast including Jeff were already makes their appearance at BOC building except one person, barcode.

At first jeff was quite curious and he wondered why does barcode didn't show up today. He usually gonna be the first one who welcomes jeff his bright smile but not today.

P'Pond being panic because they are running out of time. They've been waiting for barcode almost 40 mins but he didn't show up. Suddenly a device in P'Pond hands were beep due to some notifications. He slides his phone and read the message he received. "P'pond, phom khor thod na khap for not showing up on time (I'm sorry in thai). I didn't mean to slack out today. I'm not feeling well, I do hope you can take anyone replacing mine to partner with Jeff for the short casting class film today."

P'pond felt relieved after knowing it was the little barcode. "It's okay na kid, go get enough rest. I will arrange everything for you. Thanks for the update and do text me if you need anything. Speedy recovery!" said P'pond.
"So he is not coming!?", jeff asked furrowing his eyes . "He said he isn't feeling alright, so.. for today you can choose anyone to practice with you ", p'pond said.

"Is really fine ?? He got back so fast yesterday.", build asked concerning looking at p'pond.

"At least he said that. We don't know. But if jeff wants he can go and see him ", p'pond said looking towards Jeff.

Everyone wanted to build a nice bond between Jeff and barcode. But the attitude jeff had towards barcode was enough to broke their nong.

"In your dream. I'm leaving. Don't call me unless that idiot is here. ", jeff said and left the room before anyone could even say something.

"HE IS THE REAL IDIOT HERE ", apo said as everyone looked forward jeff's leaving.

It was really something new to me. For last couple of months, barcode was always their even if he had fever whenever we needed him. What was wrong with him today that he took a leave!? The thought was disturbing me.

Should i go ?? Should i see if he is really that much sick? , i thought in my mind before finally deciding to go.

After reaching at his doorstep another news hit me. "Barcode left for a camping this morning. Didn't he tell you guys?", barcode's sister said.

"Maybe he told pond.", i said trying to put a fake smile on my face. But inside me was burning in anger. "That bitch even dared to lie ", i thought.

I asked creamy where barcode has gone for Camping before driving my car on the way.

"You're gonna play, huh ?! Let's see how much you want to play. ", i thought in mind while speeding the car on my way.

(So i could write only this much. But next chapter Will be good promise. But till then don't curse me 🙂)

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