chapter -23

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After the whole conversation of us , i took barcode at my home. When i first asked him to come with me , i definitely had plans but after seeing his breakdown, i was lost.

Why am i starting to care about you barcode? , i thought.

Nothing would go right if i become weak for this teenage guy , who don't even know whom to trust and whom not ? How could he trust that mf ? , i thought again.

"Phi.....", he called me.


"Can i meet phi game !?", he asked looking at me.

I was shocked and kinda surprised also. Why do you want to meet him? , i thought in my mind.

"I know what you had said is obviously true but i want to talk to him. ", he said.

I smirked and asked , "So you don't trust me !?"

"Huh!!! It's okay. Lets do one thing, lets go to his house right now. And see if you still don't believe me ", i said. I was super sure that arun won't leave game alone when he is in Thailand.

"No.... Phi. Not now please!!", he said almost begging me.

"Why not !!! Lets go !!", i said grabbing his hand.

"Please... Please phi. Let me go", i said pleadingly.

I didn't take any of his words to hear. I grabbed his hand and dragged him in the car and run the car.

I was driving really first. This late night road was almost empty so there was no one to get into my ways.

"Please... please phi slow down. I'm scared phi... Please", he said crying.

"Don't cry code. I'm gonna make you see the truth by yourself ", i said

In just a few minutes, we were outside of games house. The big house which feels empty because of it's surrounding.

I got out the car. Barcode was holding the sit Balt tightly but i got him out of the car by force and dragged him towards the gate.

"Get ready to face the truth barcode!!", i said smilingly.

Now you'll see the real monster code and then I'll make you mine. I thought.

I knocked on the door . At first there was no sound but soon i heard someone opening the door.

I pushed barcode forward and stayed behind him.

I was horrified. I didn't want to come at this hour but phi jeff forced me. I didn't want to see that sight of him again so there was no way for me to resist.

After knocking on the door  , we waited for a while and soon there was someone opening the door but phi pushed me forward. I didn't know what he was going to do. But soon i realized his true motiv to bring me here at this time.

"Barcode!?", arun said surprised and shocked by my presence.

I was also shocked to see him there. Didn't you say you were going to stay alone tonight in your house?? So what are you doing here arun ?! , i thought.

"Why you're here , arun ?", i said. In my voice, neither there was any rage nor hatred.

"Code!!! I can explain!!! Why don't we go out??", he said panicking.

"Ahhh .... Look who is here ", p'kim said coming out from behind.

"YOU FUCKER!", arun said angrily.

"Don't say a word arun. ", i warned him.

"Why don't you step a side , arun ? Barcode wants to meet game", p'kim said.

"Barcode!!! P'game is not feeling well so i just came here to take care of him. So why don't you come tomorrow?? He is already asleep ", arun said trembling. His voice was cracking.

"Arun..... I've known you since childhood. Do you think I'll believe you?", i said calmly. I didn't know how to process the whole thing.

The tears which i was shading because of the fear of p'kim was now completely dried up .

P'kim was also silent. It felt like , he was giving me chance to acknowledge the truth.

"Barcode!!", arun tried to say something but i pushed him aside and went inside.

"What the fuck you want kim??", arun said angrily.

"What i want!?", p'kim replied smiling," I want your fucking boyfriend",

"Code is mine. Do you get that ?? BARCODE IS ONLY MINE !!", arun said punching p'kim's face.

"You fucking bastard", p'kim said before punching him .

They Started fighting, i tried to clam them down while i hear some groaning from a room. My heart was aching and it was beating so fast.

I didn't want to see inside the room but i also knew it was my last choice.

I started going forward to the door when arun saw it and came forward to stop me but p'kim kicked him from behind and he dropped on the floor.

"P'kim!!", i shouted.

"It's your last chance barcode ", he said looking at me.

I was pushed for a good while time before realizing that it was truly might be my last time.

I opened the door and the scene which was waiting for me was nothing more that a nightmare to me.

Phee game was bondage on the bed . His eyes were covered and there was lots of mark on his whole body. From some place blood was dripping and it made it's sure that , those cuts were new. His mouth was covered with a gag ball.

He was covered in cum and blood. I felt nauseous and dizzy. I left the room and run outside. I couldn't believe my eyes. The friend i trusted so much, did this much nasty things to someone who was loved by his brother. Because of whom his brother even took his own life.

I run outside the house and tripped over a stone and fall down. I started crying uncontrollably.

"How could you do this to someone, arun ?? How could you??", i started mumbling.

I felt like there was no one for me. The one person i loved force himself on me and the other one i trusted wasn't the person i used to think i was.

I stayed on the ground and cried my heart out before i felt p'kim approaching me.

"How could he do this, phee??", I asked him.

He didn't say and word in replied but hugged me tightly. It was the second time i felt this much warm in this person arm.

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