chapter 3

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Next day barcode had classes, so he woke up early in the morning. But there was a surprising waiting for him. He left the house after having breakfast in a rush cause arun was waiting for him outside.

"Hurry up, buddy. We don't have all day ." , arun said as he opened the door for code. "You should have come faster than. " , code said.

As they were driving to their school arun suddenly asked barcode something unexpected. "Code , what'll you do if i suddenly disappear someday?" , arun asked on a serious note.

"Why you're suddenly coming up with a question like that? Are you dying? Please before you die , don't forget to treat me my favorite Pad Thai. It's been a long time I've eaten it. " , barcode said laughing. But arun wasn't laughing. It looked like he was hiding something. Arun kept silent for a moment before code asked him again but this time he was also serious.

"Arun , what happened? ", code asked him seriously while tapping his hand. "Is everything alright? You know you can say anything to me right?" , code said.

Arun used to hold code's hand whenever he got a chance but this time he left code's hand. Which however shocked code a little. "we're here. We should get going before teacher got into the class. " , arun said with a little smile on his face. But barcode could feel something wasn't right about arun. "Is he hiding something from me ?". Code thought.

As we got into the class , my eyes were stuck on Arun's face. He was behaving unusual. "Is he hiding something from me ?", i thought while looking at him.

"What are you staring at? Have you fallen in love with me ?", arun said teasingly. He was trying to behave normally and i could feel that. So i also decided to not bring up the topic and behave normally.

"Yeah, your wish. ", i said while slapping his arm playfully. But this time he hold my hand and grabbed me between his arm. It felt like as if he was desperate to hug me. "what's happening?" , i thought while hugging him back.


"I'm sorry, code. I'm really really really sorry. But i can't control it anymore. Even though i know it can destroy everything beautiful between us. But looking at you , waiting for someone who will never be yours hurts me. ", i was thinking while hugging my bestie or i say my love. We were silent for a long time till,

"Hey , what happened?" , barcode asked me while patting my arms. "Nothing. I just wanted to hug you. ", i said while pulling away.

Some boys and girls were staring at us and i could feel that code wasn't feeling comfortable.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT , HUH ?" , i said furiously which made them look away.

I knew whatever i had for code was one sided and i was happy about that. But now that everything is kind of messed up, I could't see code like this. I was lost in my thoughts.

"Looks like , it's now your turn to get lost in thoughts. " , barcode said teasingly. "Hey , are you in love or what ?" , he asked.

"Yes, i am. But unfortunately I can't say who i love. " , i thought while looking at his innocent cute little face. His eyes are so pretty. His pink lips were so beautiful. He is really a God's beautiful creation.

"Hey , what the hell ? You always gets angry when i get lost in my thoughts. Now you're doing the same. " , barcode said angrily.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'm listening. Everything is fine and NO, I'm not in love. I was just feeling down a little bit. But I'm fine now. " , i said in one go. "Now sir. If you don't mind can we go to the cafe ? Looks like the class has been cancelled and I'm hungry as hell. " , i said. And he accepted my offer. We went to the cafe and ordered some food for us. When suddenly barcode's phone rang.

I was waiting for the food with arun. Something wasn't right about him. And i could feel that. I wanted to cheer him up so i decided to tag along with him. But my phone rang. It was from the BOC agency.

I picked up the call nervously. My hands were shaking and arun saw that. He hold my hand to calm me down. "It's okay. Take a deep breath and pick up the call. Everything will be fine. ", arun smiled and said.

I picked up the call. "Hello. Is this Barcode Tinnasit I'm speaking with?" , a girl from the other side said.

"Yes, I'm. " i said nervously. Arun was still holding my hand. But my hands were getting cold and sweaty. "Oh great. I just wanted to inform you that. Congratulations you passed the audition. If you don't have a problem. Can you come to our agency today to discuss the further information?" , the girl said. And i felt my heart beat skipped.

I was so happy and anxious. "yes, definitely. Anytime it's fine. " , i said before hanging up the call. I hugged arun tightly.

"You're choking me ", arun said. "I passed the audition. I passed the freaking audition. " , i jumped on the table with excitement while pulling away from him . Arun was clapping for me. " Congratulations, barcode. You're going to be the rising superstar now. " arun said before pulling me down for a long hug.

"Thanks arun ", i said. "now I'll be able to see you p'jeff." , i thought

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