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Sorry for that short chapter. I don't actually have any idea what to write. Even if i have the idea, I'm being lazy. Also I'm gonna move to a Whole new city in 4 days. So I'm also kind of busy.

I wanted to write as much as i can and end the story before i move. But now i don't really think i can.

I'm really really really sorry. I don't know if I'll be able to write after i move. So if i don't update for a long time please don't hate me and leave the story. 🥺🥺🥺

I really like to read your point of view. So please read the story and tell me about your point of view so that i can have more idea to write 🙏🙏🙏

I'll try my best to write as much as i can. Even if it's a short chapter.. so please don't leave the story 🥺🙏

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