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"I miss you.." the small voice with a little sob comes from Arun's arms. That was the first words, the first words that comes out from Barcode after not seeing Arun for so long. Hearing that, arun tighten their hug. Only God knows how much he missed his little code.

After a few minutes, arun released their hug and asked barcode to take a seat. Barcode just watched him eyes to eyes wondering if he could get the answer of all questions that popped up in his mind for the past few days. Arun knows his sudden appearance makes barcode fulls with questions. "Code, are crying? Does that guy gives you trouble again?" Arun asked barcode but he just smile in pain and shakes his head gives disagree replied to arun. Arun cares barcode's face when his hand reached his forehead, he noticed the red mark on barcode's head due to the fresh incident in the toilet.

"What is this!?", Arun asked panicking . He could never imagine his barcode to get hurt by anything or anyone.

"You're not trying to cover that jerk isn't it!!? What does he did to you?! This isn't even a joke!! Code, answer me!!". Arun asked him in suspension.

"I will tell you what had happened if only you give a strong reason for not answering my calls and disappeared when I need you the most" barcode said with his plain tone.

Arun was speechless, "I know this is weird, I know what you're thinking code. I'm so sorry for lefting you out of sudden. I want to tell you everything but I don't think this a good idea as for now. I could answer yours but I-" arun said while holding barcode hands and suddenly get cut by barcode. "It's okay if you can't answer me right now, maybe you need a time. I'm no one to force you. This red mark comes from me. I bumped into the toilets wall because I'm running out of my mind when I was on my way...." , barcode said.

Arun knows that his lil code was lying just to cover the jerk. The amount of madness in arun were enough to burn the whole restaurant but he tried to slide it out because he doesn't want barcode to get more piss. Arun still didn't want to tell barcode the reason behind his disappearing. Neither about the big decision that his parents had taken for him. He just didn't wanted to lose the moment he having with HIS barcode.....

They talked about another topics to make barcode feels a bit chill. But most of the time barcode was lost. Arun could feel the emptiness in barcode's eyes. So he also didn't forced code to say or do anything. He just hold him for the rest of the time in his arms and stayed by his side. Seeing his barcode in that situation his determination was getting stronger.

After they had some dinner and a little chatting, the left the cafe to go home when barcode realized arun didn't bring his car.

"Where is your car ?", barcode asked surprisingly looking at him. Arun's parents sold arun's car after the accident. They didn't wanted to face anymore of that situation so they didn't even bother to ask arun about it. Although arun was angry about the whole situation but he could understand his parents also.

Arun hesitantly looked at code, thinking about what to say. Barcode saw the hesitation in his eyes and didn't wanted him to lie about something just to give him a answer.

"It's okay , arun. You don't have to say anything. I was just asking. ", barcode said while looking away. When arun tightly grabbed his hand and pulled him close. "I can't say you anything, code. But please trust me... please trust me that i won't hurt you ever..", arun said looking at his eyes.

They were really close. Close enough to touch their lips when the kissing incident flashed in barcode's mind and he quickly backed away leaving arun confused.

Arun could sense barcodes sudden tensed face and panic. But he couldn't understand why. "Are you alright?? Should i take you to the doctor?", arun asked coming closer to him but barcode didn't let him come close.

If arun was taking one step towards barcode then barcode was taking two steps backwards. Everything was really confusing for arun but he could understand why barcode was behaving like this.

Arun's anger was building up inside him. He just wanted to kill that bastard because of whom his love had to suffer. But also he was feeling guilty because he couldn't stay by his side when he needed him the most.

"Do you at least let me take you home ?", arun asked after not having any answer. Barcode just nodded in yes. Arun then called a cab and took barcode his home. The whole journey was silent. They didn't said anything but arun knew what he wanted to do.

After few minutes he dropped barcode at his place and went to someone's house whom he was ready to kill .......

(Hey... everyone. So it's not a big chapter obviously. But I've to give credit to someone who has given me some of his/her time (sorry i don't know if you're boy or girl 😅) to write this chapter. Most of the things in this chapter is written by that person. "HeartOfSaturn_" thank you so so so much for the help. ❤️)

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