chapter -31

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"Why do you think p'pond suddenly called us ?", build asked.

"Last time was to tell us that code wants to leave and before that when game went missing ", tong said.

"By the way , how is codey?", tong asked.

Everyone looked at him. "what!? I'm just asking", he said.

No one wanted to talk about barcode in jeff's presence. And jeff felt that. He was annoyed but equally sad.

He also wanted to know about barcode. After that day coming home , he couldn't leave the house because of game.

He was afraid that if he left than game will do something that will harm barcode and he didn't want to harm him. That day he got to know about the game he never knew.

"Whatever.. we will know when he comes ", mile said.

They didn't have to wait for long. Soon pond came and announced that the shooting for the series will start .

"How ?? Barcode has left and we don't have our porchay , phi ", apo said in concern.

"Who said , you don't have your porchay , phi?", barcode said coming inside.

Everyone looked at him. They were surprised by his sudden arrival.

"Let me introduce you him officially. He is Tinnasit Isarapongporn , aka barcode. Our porchay ", pond said happily.

Everyone was excited and couldn't believe their ears.

"Really!! You are not backing up?", apo asked excitedly, hugging him tightly.

"No , phi. I'm not. And i won't. This character was meant for me. And I'll do my best for it.", barcode said happily.

Everyone was happy with this. On the other hand , jeff was happy but seared, he didn't know what barcode was thinking and he knew game won't let this slide easily. He will make it hard.

Barcode looked at jeff and saw him looking at him. But he felt his mind was somewhere else.

"Barcode I'm proud of you. I knew you won't quit because of it ", tong said hugging him.

"I won't quit anymore phi. What is mine , will always be mine. If not, I'll make sure i made that mine either it's you jeff satur or this role ", he said. Jeff saw him looking at him while saying that.

He felt a sudden change in barcode. Barcode wasn't the timid guy. He was more confident looking and it felt like, what he said , he will do it.

Pond welcomed him one more time and congratul everyone for finding their porchay. And he left after announcing the shooting date.

Everyone was talking to barcode while jeff was standing alone on the other side. He was staring at barcode without even blinking.

I won't let the smile fade barcode. Even if I've to destroy myself for making you shine again, I'll do it. , he thought.

"Codey , do you want to come with us for lunch? ", apo asked.

"Not today phi. I'm still stuck with all the instructions. ", he said making a sad face.

"It's okay nong. After you're completely okay, we all will give you a fest", bible said.

"Okay phi", barcode said smilingly.

"Then do you want me to drop you at your home ?", mile asked.

"It's okay phi. P'creamy is coming to pick me up. I've already texted her. ", he said.

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