chapter -7

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Few days passed but there was no news of Arun. Arun was avoiding barcode.. He tried calling arun , texting, and even visiting his house, but there was no response. It was as if arun had evaporated into thin air, leaving no trace of his whereabouts. Barcode couldn't understand what had happened. Even Arun wasn't there in college also. As if he was hidden..

"Please pick up the call arun. I'm worried. Please", i said while trying to connect the call. But there was no response. "Why he is doing this? Am i wrong? Did i hurt him somehow?", i was thinking anxiously. It's been around five days since the day he dropped me home. After that I called him multiple times but he ignored that. Even i went to his house but his parents said he wasn't there but i could feel he was at home. He didn't even came to college.

Suddenly the question he asked me that day came into my mind. "Code , what'll you do if i suddenly disappear someday?" ,

My eyes were open wide. "So is this why you were asking me that day ? You want to leave me ?", i thought while my eyes filled with tears.

"You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Please please pick up the call...", i called him again desperately. But he didn't receive.

"Please arun , whatever it is we'll solve it. Please call me ", i recorded a voicemail crying begging him to call me back. He was my bestest friend, and i couldn't lost him. I was crying continuesly but he didn't called me back.

Few days passed and it was already our practice day. P'pond called me and told me about everything. I was stressed out about everything. About arun's sudden despair and my work. But i couldn't bring my personal life to my professional life. So i decided to go to my fast ever shooting.....

I was devastated. I knew my feelings and everything were so wrong but i couldn't do anything. I loved code a lot. Maybe no one could imagine my love for him.

I was planning to leave the country for a long time. But because of barcode i was holding back. I wanted to tell him about my feelings even if he started hating me afterwards. But after knowing that jerk. I couldn't leave barcode alone ever.

I was holding my tears until barcode left the car. I drove away but my tears also started dropping like there is no end.

"WHY ? WHY ?? WHYYY? WHY YOU'VE TO CHOOSE HIM CODE ? WHY ? ", i asked screaming while bitting my hand on the car while. "THAT JERK DOESN'T DESERVE YOU. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ", i said while trying to hold my tears but i couldn't. My eyes were getting blurry and i almost hit a car Infront of me but fortunately I didn't. But i crashed to a tree.

I didn't want a life without him and i knew if barcode got engage with him i will lost him for forever. I didn't move from the driver sit. But some people started rushing to get me out of the car. My head was hurt. But that pain was nothing Infront of my inner pain.

They took me to the hospital where my parents came. Without even asking they knew what happened. They knew everything, about my feelings, about that jerk everything. 

"YOU'RE OUR ONLY CHILD. IF HE WANTS TO GET ENGAGE WITH SOMEONE LIKE THAT YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? ", my father shouted at me. "What if something bad happened to you, son ?", my mom asked me crying. I looked at them. I was ashamed to answer. But i couldn't do anything. It was hurting so bad.

After a while my mom said," you're leaving in a month. And this time I'm not hearing anything", while holding her tears. "Mom..No.. please.
He needs me. Please mom. ", i said holding her hands with a teary eyes. "And we need our son. ALIVE", dad said with a strong voice. "Meanwhile you're not allowed to talk to him. His life he will see what he wants to do. He is not your responsibility", he said. I couldn't protest. I didn't wanted to leave but after hearing their words there was nothing i could do.

I bowed my head. The tears are not stopping from the eyes. "Is this the last time we meet?",I thought.

After that day i came back to my home. But i couldn't find my phone anywhere and i guessed they took it. I asked them to give me my phone back but they refused. Meanwhile i heard them talking how code was calling me continuesly .

They didn't even let me go to the college also. It was like i was stuck in that house. A house where i was feeling suffocated every moment.

After a few days, barcode came to my house. I was in my room when i heard him. I rushed to downstairs.

"Sorry, barcode. But he is not at home right now. ", mom said to him. "Sorry for the trouble, baby. I'll tell him to connect you later ", mom said again. Before i could get to the main door he left.

"WHY YOU WOULD DO THAT MOM ?",  i shouted at mom. "WHY ? YOU KNOW I LOVE HIM , THEN WHY MOM ?? I DON'T WANT TO GO BUT YOU GUYS ARE FORCING ME. AND NOW THE PERSON I LOVE, YOU GUYS ARE NOT EVEN LETTING ME SEE HIM. DO YOU GUYS WANT ME TO DIE ?", i shouted at her again and then left the room and slammed the door hard.

I locked myself inside my room. "Why I've to leave you code ? I love you... why you just can't see that ?", i said while crying and mom was begging me to open the door. I stopped talking to everyone. It was like i was alive but my soul left my body.

(Hello.... I know right now this story is boring but i promise something interesting will happen sooonnnnnn. If there is something wrong please help me to make it right. Lots of love)

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