chapter -32

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(hey!!! So it's been some time I've uploaded another chapter. I was quite busy with my life. My birthday was few days ago, and the Eid was also few days ago so i was caught up with some works. But now I'll try to write as much as possible. And hopefully I'll end the story very soon. Till then enjoy the story 💕)

(At barcodes house)
"Code....what happened?? Why is your eyes red ??", barcodes mom asked anxiously.

"Maa.. let him get some rest. He is exhausted", creamy said.

Barcode was looking down. He didn't intend to talk to anyone right now. The whole ride was silent.

He promised himself that he wouldn't let jeff control his emotion but he let him control it again.

He was angry at himself.

"But creamy..", his mom was trying to say something when barcode cut him.

"Maa , I'm fine. I just had a argument with phi. So i was crying. Nothing else. Don't worry. I'm tired. So I'll be going in my room", barcode said before moving upstairs.

"Is he alright, creamy?", barcodes dad asked.

"Paa ... Let him give himself some time. He needs to clam down now", creamy said before explaining everything what happened.

"I think, barcode needs to see a psychiatrist. His symptom are coming back", creamy said.

"But , what if it affects his daily life. He was younger that time , his mind was stable. But now ....", barcodes mom was worried.

Barcode always had some anger issues since childhood but after hurting one of his friends, his parents decided to send him for consultation. He was fine after that. He became a normal boy. Even arun helped him a lot during his time of recovery but now neither arun was here nor barcode was in a situation to control his emotion .

"Maa . I know what you're afraid of. But right now , barcode needs it. All of his build up emotions that he was holding up for all these years are coming back. ", creamy said.

They didn't say anything. They knew, that barcode needed it after going through everything that had happened recently.

"Okay!! I'll talk to the doctor", barcodes father said before leaving the room.

I was startled by barcodes sudden change. I never saw barcode so angry. How can the little angel became like this ??, i thought.

"Jeff!!! Jeff!!", game called me.

I came to reality.

"What are you thinking?? Barcode.... My hands is hurting!!", he said holding his hand.

There was red marks on his hand. I hold his hand was was shocked to see it.

How can his grip be so strong?? , i thought.

"Let me take you to the hospital!", i said .

"It's okay. You can put some ointment on the place. ", he said smilingly holding my hand.

I took my hands back. "I think it's better to go to the hospital ", i said before moving forward.

I need to talk to him. What has happened to him ??, i thought in my mind.

I couldn't take the change in him. The anger i saw in his eyes were something else. From the day one , all i saw was a cute little boy who was always nervoused around me. But today that boy was no where to be found. It felt like he didn't love me anymore, he just wanted me to be with him.

"Jeff!!!", game called me out from the back.

"Are you thinking about barcode??", he asked me looking frustrated.

"No!!", i denied.

"But it's looks like. Remember jeff, you can only be with me. Otherwise today's incident won't be a secret neither the secret about what you did to him at the mountain. You don't want to end his career, do you?", he asked coming closer to me.

I looked down. I didn't care about myself but i couldn't be the reason behind barcodes fall. I've already did a lot of unforgivable sin, I can't do anymore.

He said what he wanted to say and went into the car. We drove to the hospital and after that game dropped me to my house. But when i went forward to my house, i saw someone who i would never expect to see in these moments.

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