chapter 2.

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Arun dropped me at bercode's home. No one was there as everyone was busy with their work. Barcode went to his room and throw his bag on the bed side before laying on the bed. "It was a very rough day indeed.... but i wish i could see you." , barcode said while a drop of tears fall on the bed.

He fall asleep while remembering the moment when his heart fall for the person for the first time.


(Somewhere in 2012)
"Code , come here. You're gonna fall. " , code's mother was saying while trying to catch that little brat. "I'm not gonna take care of you , if you fall. Come here and sit for a sec" , she said again. But before she could say further barcode truly fall while tripping on something.

"Momm" , bercode screamed in pain . He was already crying in pain. "I told you. Now I'm not gonna take care of you. " , barcode's mom said inorder to scare the boy. Barcode couldn't say anything because of crying so much.

"Okay... okay don't cry. Mom will go to that dispensary and will buy some cute bandage for my cute code. Okay? " , barcode's mom said patting his head. "Okay " , barcode said while sobbing in tears.

"Now be a good boy and sit here. Don't go anywhere ." , barcode's mom said before leaving.

"I can't go anywhere even if I want to. " , barcode said.

She went to the store to grab the stuff while barcode was waiting patiently for his mother but he was still sobbing cause, his leg was paining.

"Hey , kiddo. Why you're crying?" , a person asked while sitting next to him.

"None of your business ", bercode said while pouting. He was never a fan of speaking with a stranger. Most of the time , he liked to avoid people.

"Ouch. That's rude. Don't you know how to talk to a older person?" , the boy said while touching bercode's head.

"And don't you know you shouldn't touch other without their permission?" , bercode said while looking at his face. For him , it was like the time had stopped. "wow... he is so beautiful. ", barcode thought while admiring his beauty.

"Okay, my fault. I'm sorry. But may i know why you're crying? Where is your mother?" , the young boy asked. He was around 17 or something. A cute but totally handsome boy. Barcode was lost is admiring him.

"Kiddooo. Are you listening?" , the boy said smirking. Barcode finally came to his senses.

"Sorry... i was thinking something. " barcode said. "I fall on the ground, my legs hurt. My mom has gone to that shop to buy me bandage. " he said looking down. He was feeling shy all of a sudden. His face was getting red.

"Are you alright? Your face...." , the boy tried to touch his face but barcode backed off.

"I'm fine , phiii. " , barcode said blushing. "it's just hot in here." For a moment barcode forgot that his leg was paining.

"Yeah, it's really hot in here. By the was I'm Jeff Satur. What's your name?", jeff asked with a pretty smile.

"I'm Barcode Tinnasit." , barcode replied.

"Nice name. Looks like you're mother is here. I'll be on my way , now." , Jeff said while getting up from the bench.

"Wait, phi. Do you come here often?" , barcode asked while trying to hide his red cheeks.

"Not that much. But if you want I'll come here every day." , jeff said while coming  to his hight and touched his head.

"Will you come tomorrow?" , barcode asked shyly. But before jeff could answer bercode's mom called him .."Sorry, ,phi . I've to go. Bye , see you" , barcode said with a bright smile before leaving.

"What a silly boy!!" , jeff thought while smiling at the boy Infront of him.

"Who was that boy?" , bercode's mom asked him. "A senior. " , bercode said while trying to hide his face.

This was the first time he saw the man whom he adored. Barcode waited everyday to see jeff but he never came again.

When he saw him again, he was a big shot. The famous JEFF SATUR.

(End of flashbacks)


It was already 8pm . When i wake up. Mom , dad everyone was already at home. I got up and went to the washroom to freshen up before went downstairs. I looked at the washroom mirror "Am i looking pale ?" , i asked myself.

Maybe i was thinking a lot. I cleaned up and went downstairs. "Sawadee khap , ma , pa.." , i greeted them before sitting beside the table.

"From when you started calling me ma , huh?" , barcode's mom asked. "Why is it a bad word ?" , barcode said back. "See this is why jeff never saw you. " , barcode's mom said teasingly but barcode felt his hear ache.

"Shhh , don't say that. " , barcode's dad whispering to his mom.

"It's okay, pa. Maybe mom is right. I'm going upstairs. I'm not hungry." , barcode said before moving towards his room.

He laid on his bad. "Maybe mon is right. Even after reading at the same school. P'jeff never noticed me. He never remembered me. Maybe I'm really a bad boy. " , tears rolled down while he was thinking. "WILL YOU EVER SEE ME , P'JEFF?" , he thought before falling into deep sleep.

(Guys , i know bercode was 8 in 2012 and jeff was 17. It was way to early to fall in love. So SPECIFICALLY I DIDN'T SAID BERCODE FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. HE WAS JUST ADMIRING THE BEAUTY.

But yeah it's still looks awkward. But i also fall in love in 2012 , when i was 8. So it doesn't matter. RIGHT?😅)

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