chapter -6

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On our way to my house, i was looking outside of the window. Everything was so quick that i was still processing everything. Arun kept quiet also. After a while we reached at my place.

"I'll be leaving then. ", i said before leaving the car. He just nodded in yes and drove away. That behavior of him was new to me. We were friends for a long time now but there was many things what was happening recently. I went inside and greeted my parents and told them everything. About BOC , about the cast and obviously JEFF. They were so shocked and surprised but also very happy. They congratulate me on that big gift of my life and hugged me.

I still couldn't believe that My dream was coming true. Finally i could play with the man i love. I was thinking. I was excited but there was a little sorrowness in my heart. Why jeff behaved so rudely with me ? Why he couldn't accept me as the new porchay? all type of question was arising in my mind...

Everything was too sudden. I knew gameplay left the role and i was furious also . But after seeing that immature and young boy as my partner, i was frustrated even more. "How can he be my partner? Further more that how could he let his friend or whatever talk to me like that?" , i was thinking. But  A kind of tempted desire was arising in my mind. Suddenly the image of His lips, his hair , his little face and those eyes came rushing in my mind.

My mind was stuck on his beautiful fluffy pink lips. I wanted to bit the lips so bad. But in my heart i knew there was no one but gameplay. I loved him. But barcodes face and the structure of his body was giving me shiver .

I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind.  In frustration I took the cigarette box out of my pocket and took out a cigarette and started smoking. While I was smoking i saw barcode coming out with his friend. He was smiling widely. His smile was so beautiful, i felt my cheeks getting hotter. But then i notice that motherfucker behind him.

As they got up on the car. I saw them hugging which made me so angry that i throw the burning cigarette down and fisted my hands. I wanted to punch that bastard so badly but
His word was ringing in my mind like a spell.

"Looks like, barcodes onscreen partner is only big by his age. "

My mind was blowing up in anger. And the thought that barcode kept quiet was making me even more furious. In front of me in that car , they were hugging and here my mind was going crazy in thoughts that barcode was agreeing with that bastard.

Without my knowledge, a sudden word came out from my mouth. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR IT. "

I left that place while punching the car window next to me. The punch was so hard that , window broke. My hand was bleeding but i couldn't feel the pain because of the frustrating feeling.

I went inside the agency and went to pond room. "I'M NOT ACTING WITH THAT SON OF A BITCH " , i said angrily. Everyone was there and they all looked at me.

"Come down, Jeff. You're overreacting. " , mile said while trying to touch my shoulder but I brushed his hand away. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME. YOU GUYS WERE ENJOYING THE SHOW, WEREN'T YOU ?", blood was dripping out from my hand but my anger was getting out of control. I didn't know what i was angry about. Was that  because gameplay suddenly backed out or that arun was too close to MY PARTNER , i didn't knew anything.

"Shiiaaaa. You're bleeding idiot. Come down first. ", bible said in shocked. Then everyone noticed that blood and mile hold my hand.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS THIS A JOKE ?" ,  mile said angrily. While pond took out his first aid kit first.

Apo and mile hold me and made me sit down on the couch. I didn't feel any pain. I was angry but why I didn't knew. While bandaging my hand apo said," we all know you and gameplay is a thing. But it was his decision to let the role go. No one forced him. I know it'll be tough but for god sake calm down and think about it. Barcode is a new face. He is talented. Even you praised his singing. That's all we need. ", he stopped before continuing," give him some time. Maybe you'll like him. And i could see the shine in his eyes. He will make all of us proud. "

Obviously i knew about the shine apo was talking about. But there was something i just couldn't accept.  After a while , Everyone left the room except p'pond. He came close to me and set beside me.

"I know what happened between you two. But it doesn't mean you'll vent the frustration on someone else. You can't hold a person who wants to leave, jeff. You've to understand that. ", pond said while touching my shoulder and consoling me.

I knew what he was talking about but my heart didn't want to listen. I really couldn't give barcode the place where gameplay was. A drop of tears fall as i calmed down. I was overwhelmed by everything then. I didn't know what i wanted to do. I left the room after talking to pond for a long time. I told him that I'll give barcode a chance but deep down my heart was getting prepared to do something really unexpected........

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