chapter -15(18+)

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(Reader attention: This chapter contains adult contents.. if you're under 18 , I'll recommend you to not read this particular chapter as it can be too much.

But if you want to read I'm no one to stop you. Just don't blame me for being heartless 😁💔)

Barcode Finally woke up. At first he thought what just happened was really a nightmare until he realize his hands are tightly tied up. He looked Infront of him in terror .

His whole body was shaking in fear. He still couldn't believe what happened wasn't a dream but a disgusting truth or that that was the starting of his unbearable pain...

"Why are you shaking like that !?", Jeff asked crawling over him.

"No.... don't ", barcode said cracking his voice. "Please stop... This isn't like you phi... Please ", barcode said with tears in his eyes expecting that the older one might feel pity.

The whole moment Fell silent as the jeff's sinister chuckle resonated, sending shivers down barcode's spine. It was a chilling sound, filled with dark satisfaction and foreboding menace, as if heralding the impending chaos that was about to unfold.

"I was always like that", jeff whispered in barcode's ears before pressing one finger straight in his asshole without even a warning..

"Ahhhh", barcode screamed in pain. He started rubbing and pressing even more deep leaving me screaming in pain.

"It's hurting... that out", code said as tears fall down.

"Tsk", jeff made a sound before taking his finger out. For one moment barcode seriously thought maybe his phi won't do anything but his expection came to an end when he realized jeff's unzipping his pants.

His big thick cock was out standing upstair Infront of barcode. His length was big enough to terrify anyone.

"Suck it", jeff said in a demanding voice. Grabbing barcodes hair and moving his face towards his cock.

"No...", barcode said in refusal. He didn't wanted to lose his respect at any cost. He didn't wanted to be used by someone he once loved. But he wasn't in a place to refuse.

Jeff grabbed his hair tightly and thrusted his whole length inside barcode's mouth in one shove making barcode unable to breathe.

"I'M BEING CONSIDERATE TO YOU... DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY", jeff said fucking his mouth with his dick , shoving his head ..

"I couldn just put it in , right now !! Huh !!", jeff said with his sinister smile."But it would be too painful for you . You're cute tight hole can even tear. You don't want that , do you?", Jeff continued..

"Mmph...", barcode couldn't say or do anything. His hands were tied , and his mouth was getting violeted. He wanted to push jeff away but he couldn't.

Unknowingly he used his teeth, and before he could know jeff threw him away in a sec.

"YOU FUCKING WHORE!!! I WAS BEING CONSIDERATE.. AND YOU.", he said before slapping and punching barcode's face.

"YOU DARE TO BITE , HUH!! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU DO NOW ", jeff said before turning barcode and shoving his whole dick inside barcode's hole in one go.

"Ahh... Stop... Stop... it's hurt. Take it out....", barcode cried in pain ,"I'm sorry.. I'm so...", before he could complete jeff started thrusting roughly .

"FUCK, IT'S SO TIGHT...!", jeff said trusting hard .

"NO, PLE...Ahh", barcode screamed in pain but Jeff didn't slow down even for a minute.

" i don't want this ... please stop", barcode said with a shaking voice.

"you don't want to?then what's this here?WHY ARE YOU HARD DOWN THERE?", jeff said making barcode stand while trusting

"N-NO...UH..ARGH!AH!!NO...!!!STOP...IT...AH!I DON'T!!UGH...!", barcode tried to speak but an unknown pleasure was taking over him. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all but his body was now responding to jeff's every thrust.

"JUST A RELAX A BIT, WILL YOU??", jeff screamed making barcode shiver. "Please!! I can't ", barcode said pleading he was tired of all these. Never in his dream he could imagine being violated like this by his love.

"RELAX YOUR FUCKING ASS!!", jeff said smacking his ass tight..

"ARGH...!!AH!HAA!!", barcode couldn't control his moan any longer. Meanwhile Jeff kissed and licked barcodes neck from the behind and was biting leaving marks all over his body.

Soon barcode released his cum and jeff came inside bercode.

Barcode was exhausted he didn't want to do anymore but Jeff didn't stop.

Jeff fucked him till they both passed out.

My eyes opened in the morning on the bed inside my tent. Everything felt like a horrible nightmare until i saw jeff sleeping beside me.

I realized it can be anything but a dream. My whole body was paining like hell. The side of my bedsheet where i was sleeping was covered in blood.

I couldn't believe my first time was done by this way. I couldn't believe the monster i saw last night.

I tried to wake up but my legs were numb. I couldn't stand let alone walk. I falled down making a loud bang.

Jeff woke up by the loud noise. "What the hell you're doing early in the morning!?", he asked.

The image of last night rushed into my mind. I was terrified. My voice was gone and my body was shaking.

"Heyy.. what happened!!!", jeff said coming closer to me but i backed away. I didn't wanted him to touch me anymore. I just wanted to leave his sight.

"D... DON'T.. ", i said hesitatingly.

My lower bottom started paining ."Ahh!!", a slight sigh came out from my mouth.

"Do you want to die ?? I won't mind if you die but right now i can't let you die.. so shut the fuck up and don't do anything stupid", jeff said with his annoying voice like usual.

He came closer to me carried me and took me to the waterfall outside. He let me down when we reached there and cleaned me.

"What are you?? Are you a physio or what!!", i thought in mind looking at him. I won't deny that i hated what happened last night but i knew a side of me enjoyed that torture and everything.

"Let's go", he said carrying me again. After getting into the tent we changed into our clothes. The whole time I didn't said a single word. My bottom was wet again because of the blood and it was hurting.

After changing he carried me again and we got down the cliff. I was hesitating to ask but i had to know where he was taking me but i also didn't wanted to repeat what happened last night.

I was scared that if i upset him , he will do the same thing again. I was scared that he will throw me into trash just like the cake but the only difference is he didn't take a bite from the cake but my whole body was marked by him.

"We're going to the hospital.. after that you're staying with me. Don't even think of refusing otherwise you know what you know", he said in a demanding voice.

I nodded and looked away. It was hurting so bad. Not the pain of the bottom but the pain of being heartbroken like this. I knew i can't say this to anyone cause if i did no one will take me seriously. "Why would they ?? In our society it's even hard to be in a relationship with same gender. So if i say that the great jeff staur whom everybody loved ,  raped me . Will anyone believe it ? Yes some might do. But what about others?? What about his fans ?? Will they support me?", i thought in my mind before falling into a deep sleep.

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