1st chapter 😊

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"Is it really okay to fall in love with a person who doesn't even know what i feel? Is it okay to just wait for him like there is no end? Will i ever see him again ?" , barcode was drowning in thoughts.

"Heyyy , are you even there?" , barcode's friend said while shaking barcode. "Come down to earth" ,arun said.

"WHAT?", barcode replied with a little frustrating voice. "What do you mean, what? Did you forget that you've a audition today?", arun said while reminding him about the audition.

"Shiaaa , why didn't you call me before? I'm gonna be late now" , barcode said while grabbing his bag from the table.

"I called you thousand times but you was lost in your thoughts.", arun said in a lower voice, tried not to make his friend hear but luck wasn't in his side.

"I can hear you. Before i punch you , TAKE ME TO THE AUDITION NOW", barcode said in a deep voice.

Today was his audition for the kinnporsche series. He was excited but nervous. He didn't wanted to make a bad impression on his supervisor but he was so into his thoughts that he couldn't sense the time.

"Looks like i will always get into trouble while thinking about you. ", barcode was again lost in his thoughts.

It wasn't a long way from arun's place to BOC agency. They were late but not that much. Arun once again Shaked barcode to bring him back into reality.

"Please for god sake, don't gate lost in thoughts while auditioning.", arun kind of begged him .

Barcode smiled before leaving the car and"I won't ",

All the cost was already selected but there was a change in the last moment. The person "Gameplay" who was going to play the role porchay backed off at the last moment. So they were auditioning for the new porchay. Everything went smoothly. Even though barcode was nervous but he did his best. The director was really impressed with him.

He didn't knew who were the other casts. He left BOC after talking to pond. "We'll call you after observing everything if you're selected. " , pond said. "Okay, phi. " barcode smiled and said. Then he left the agency. He was pretty much sured that he was going to be the new porchay but a panic was developing in his mind. "what if I don't get the role?" , barcode thought when suddenly he heard a voice from the behind.

"How can you  do this without even consulting to me ? What if it doesn't go according to the way you're thinking?" , someone was yelling on a phone call.

Barcode tried to see the person but arun hunk the car. "Are you coming or i should go ?" , arun said irritatingly.

"Coming " barcode said while running towards the car. "Why you're always behaving like a dick , huh?" , barcode said frustratingly "i was so nervous but you're picking on me from the morning. Is it not enough for you now ?"

"How am i picking on you , huh ? I'm not doing anything. But you're the one who is making this face since yesterday. I tried to ask you what's wrong but you're ignoring me like I'm a ghost." Arun said in one go. He was hurt by the way code was treating him.  But He just didn't wanted to make his best friend angry. Tears fall from his eyes but he tried to control that. They were silent for a long time before code said.

"I don't want to hurt you. I care about you. But the things going on in the school is really frustrating for me. " , barcode said while a deep sigh skip from his mouth.

"You know I don't care about that , don't you? You're my bestie code. The only friend i love the most. I know about everything. So why you're even bothering their baseless words? It's not like we didn't heard them before? It was always like that. So why ?" , arun said while holding code's hand. His hand was cold. He was nervous and arun could feel that. "Don't be nervous, code. Everything is going to be fine. "

Code smiled , he knew he wasn't thinking straight. Arun was his best friend. They were friends since childhood. How could everything changed in a few days ?

"Sorry, for yelling. I didn't wanted to say those mean words. It just that ...." before barcode could finish his word arun hugged him. "you don't have to explain yourself , code. I know what you're feeling. Please trust me. And promise me you won't ignore me like that again. " arun said.

"I promise " , barcode said while hugging him back .

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