4.I want to know about my dad.

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With the decision made and excitement in the air, Mrs. Jeon, Kookie, and Y/N prepared to leave the office building and head to the Jeon mansion. As they walked towards the car waiting to take them home, Kookie couldn't contain his anticipation. His tiny heart thudded with joy, and he couldn't wait to see the grandeur of his mother's mansion.

The ride to the Jeon mansion was filled with chatter and laughter. Kookie couldn't stop talking about the fun things he wanted to do and the adventures he had planned for his winter vacation. Y/N listened attentively, her heart brimming with love for her son.

Finally, they arrived at the majestic Jeon mansion, an imposing structure with sprawling gardens and elegant architecture

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Finally, they arrived at the majestic Jeon mansion, an imposing structure with sprawling gardens and elegant architecture. Kookie's eyes widened in awe as they pulled into the driveway. He couldn't believe he'd be living in this magnificent place for the winter vacation.

Kookie, Y/N, and Mrs. Jeon stepped out of the car, and Kookie couldn't resist running towards the grand entrance. The mansion's ornate doors swung open, revealing the opulent interior. It was a world of luxury and grandeur, a stark contrast to the cosy and familiar environment of his grandmother's home.

Kookie explored the mansion with wide-eyed wonder, from the grand hallways to the elegant living rooms. Each room held its charm and secrets, and he was determined to uncover them all during his stay.

As the evening sun bathed the mansion in a warm, golden glow, Kookie and Mrs Jeon settled into their new home for the winter. It was a time for family, love, and precious moments. The Jeon mansion would be the backdrop for a season of bonding, laughter, and creating cherished memories that Kookie would treasure forever.


Later that night-

As the night settled in, the mansion was cloaked in a tranquil atmosphere. Kookie and Y/N found themselves in a quiet corner of the living room, where the soft glow of the lamps illuminated their faces. It was a perfect moment for an honest conversation.

Kookie, his little heart brimming with curiosity, looked up at his mother with big, earnest eyes. "Mom, recently we learned many things, and my teacher gave me homework to tell her about my parents."

Y/N's face brightened with interest. "Wow, that's interesting, baby. So, what are you going to tell her about us?"

Kookie hesitated for a moment, his voice trembling with nervousness. He knew this was a question he had wanted to ask for a while but never found the courage. "Mom, I'm also confused. I know a lot about you, but..."

Y/N leaned closer, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "But what, Kookie?"

Kookie stammered, struggling to find the right words. "But about... d-dad." His voice was barely a whisper as he mentioned the subject that had always been a mystery to him.

Y/N's expression softened, and she could sense the weight of Kookie's curiosity and confusion. She was about to respond when a sudden interruption came in the form of a man entering the room. "Mrs. Jeon, you have an important call."

Y/N sighed, realizing the urgency of the situation. "Kookie, baby, wait for me. I'll be right back."

An emergency call had beckoned Y/N away from their conversation, leaving Kookie alone in the living room, his curiosity and frustration bubbling. He had longed to know about his father, but the opportunity to find answers had eluded him once again.

In his solitude, Kookie turned to his grandmother, his face etched with determination. He knew he couldn't wait any longer to seek answers. "Grandma," he began, "I want to know about my dad."

Mrs. Jeon, realizing that Kookie's desire for answers was growing stronger, took a deep breath. She knew the time had come to reveal the long-kept secret, the truth about Kookie's father. But the details of that revelation would remain hidden, for it was a mystery destined to be unveiled in time, a puzzle that only the future could solve.

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