18. He's a monster

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Ajumma, the eldest maid in Jungkook's mansion, felt compelled to advise him. She approached him with a gentle yet firm demeanour.

Ajumma: "Kookie, you need to be a little softer with her. If you want her to love you, you can't win her over with this behaviour."

Jungkook, however, was resolute in his stance. His attachment to Y/N and his possessiveness left little room for compromise.

Jungkook: "Ajumma, this is my matter. I respect you for taking care of me since childhood, but you have no right to speak about this."

Ajumma, understanding the boundaries and her role, quickly offered her apology.

Ajumma: "I'm sorry, Kookie. I didn't mean to overstep. I just worry about you."

She took her leave, leaving Jungkook to contemplate the situation. He walked over to the sleeping Y/N, gently kissed her forehead, and then made his way to the bathroom for a shower.


Y/N sat on the bed, her thoughts weighed down by the memory of the unsettling conversation with Jungkook, her mind muddled with the harsh choices he had presented. When Jungkook emerged from the shower, she was jolted back to the present.

Y/N: "What time is it?" she inquired, trying to regain a sense of normalcy.

Jungkook glanced at the clock and replied, "It's 9 PM."

Y/N realized that she had fallen asleep for quite a while, and the events leading to her predicament flooded her mind. The disturbing ultimatum he had given her echoed in her thoughts.

In a flashback, she recalled their earlier conversation:

Y/N had stammered, "J-jungkook-" but Jungkook had cut her off, presenting her with the dreadful options he'd given.

"Look mon amour, you made a big mistake, and I'm very angry," he had stated calmly. "But as a good boyfriend, I will give you two punishment options. Choose which one you like, okay? Either I kill your parents, or I fuck you restlessly. It's up to you to decide. I have a very important meeting that I can't miss, which is why I'm giving you time to think. I'll be back soon."

The harsh choices left Y/N in a state of turmoil, and she remained silent, lost in her thoughts.

Jungkook, sensing the weight of the silence, finally broke it and brought her back to the present.

Jungkook: "Are you hungry?"

Y/N initially shook her head when Jungkook asked if she was hungry, but then, remembering the harsh consequences of her refusal to eat the day before, she quickly changed her response.

Y/N: "Yes, I'm hungry."

Her decision to agree to the meal was influenced by her fear of what Jungkook might do if she didn't comply with his wishes, and she hoped that by obeying him, she could at least avoid further punishment.

Jungkook asked Y/N if she wanted to eat downstairs or in their room. Y/N, trying to avoid any conflict or further distress, replied that she would eat wherever Jungkook preferred.

Jungkook smiled and nodded, instructing her that he was downstairs and that she should join him there for the meal. The tense atmosphere between them remained, but Y/N's compliance was her way of navigating the precarious situation.


-mature content ahead

As Y/N and Jungkook returned to their bedroom after dinner, she held a glimmer of hope that he had forgotten the ominous choices he had presented earlier in the day. However, her optimism quickly faded when Jungkook closed the door and turned to her with a serious expression.

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