14. escaped

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The next morning, Jungkook found himself faced with an emergency that required his immediate attention. He glanced at the peaceful figure of Y/N, who was still asleep and decided not to disturb her. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "I'll be back soon. Take care, love."

With a gentle and affectionate touch, he brushed a strand of hair from her face before quietly leaving the room. The mansion remained still as Y/N continued to sleep

but as Jungkook left y/n's eyes opened and she stood near the window and saw his car leaving.

As Y/N watched Jungkook's car disappear into the distance, a glimmer of hope ignited in her heart. She knew that this might be her chance to escape from the mansion, a place where she had felt both trapped and conflicted.

With a resolute determination, Y/N began to assess her surroundings. She knew that escaping wouldn't be easy, but she had to try. The room held no immediate clues or tools for her escape, but her instincts guided her to the window.

Y/N carefully approached the window, her eyes scanning the exterior. It was a considerable drop to the ground below, and she hesitated, knowing that jumping might not be the best option.

She needed a plan, and her thoughts raced as she considered her options. She knew that she had to act swiftly and quietly, as any noise or disturbance might alert the mansion's security.

As she continued to survey the room, her eyes fell on a drawer. With a mix of hope and trepidation, Y/N opened it and found a set of tools. It was a stroke of luck, and she knew that these could be essential for her escape.

Y/N decided to use the tools to carefully remove the window's locking mechanism. It was a delicate process, and she worked meticulously to avoid making any noise. With the lock disengaged, she gently pushed the window open.

The cool breeze outside felt like a breath of freedom, and Y/N's heart raced as she prepared to make her escape. She knew that this was her moment, her chance to break free from the mansion's confines.

With one last look back at the room, Y/N mustered her courage, climbed out of the window, and began her descent.

As Y/N made her way outside through the window, she moved with caution and determination. Her heart pounded with each step, aware that the mansion's security was a formidable obstacle to her escape.

She had managed to reach the ground safely, but as she looked around, she realized that the exit was heavily guarded. The security personnel were on high alert, and they had positioned themselves strategically to prevent anyone from leaving.

Y/N knew that she had to remain unseen and unnoticed if she was to slip past the security. She crouched low, using any available cover to shield herself from view. Her every movement was deliberate, and she held her breath, praying that her plan would succeed.

The tension in the air was palpable as she edged closer to the exit, her heart in her throat. The security personnel were vigilant, their gazes scanning the area. It was a nerve-wracking and dangerous game of hide and seek, with Y/N's freedom hanging in the balance.

She knew that the odds were against her, but her determination to escape and regain her independence fueled her every move. As she inched closer to the exit, her heart raced, and the challenge of eluding the vigilant security team became more intense by the second.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat as the voice of the maids echoed from the mansion. "Miss Y/N is not here," they called out, creating a sudden distraction. The security personnel, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, abandoned their posts and rushed back into the mansion, desperate to verify the information.

The moment of chaos provided Y/N with the chance she had been waiting for. She seized the opportunity, her adrenaline surging as she swiftly made her way towards the exit, her movements calculated and silent.

As she approached the exit, the distant voices of the security team grew fainter. The prospect of freedom beckoned her, and with a final surge of determination, she slipped away from the mansion and into the surrounding darkness.

She knew that her escape was far from over, but this momentary distraction had given her a valuable head start. With each step she took, she drew closer to the possibility of reclaiming her life and evading the clutches of the mansion and its owner, Jeon Jungkook.


Jungkook had barely been away for long when he received an urgent call. The voice on the other end of the line reported, "Mr. Jeon, Miss Y/N has escaped."

His heart sank as he heard the news, and without a moment's hesitation, he turned back and raced to the mansion. His concern and frustration were evident as he hurriedly returned to the place where Y/N had been held, determined to bring her back.


As Jungkook returned to the mansion, his agitation and frustration were palpable. He immediately called the mansion's staff together and addressed them with an air of authority and anger.

Jungkook: (shouting) "Where is she? What happened? How could you let her escape?"

The mansion staff exchanged nervous glances, their fear of Jungkook evident. One of them cautiously spoke up, "We're not sure, Mr. Jeon. We just noticed she was gone, and the security team is searching for her."

Jungkook's anger flared, and he issued a chilling threat: "If you don't find her soon, I will make sure that every one of you pays for this. I will not tolerate incompetence. Do you understand?"

The staff members nodded, fear in their eyes, and rushed to intensify their efforts to locate Y/N. The mansion had turned into a chaotic flurry of activity, as everyone was acutely aware of the severity of Jungkook's threat and the consequences of failing to find her.

To be continued...

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