2. Kookie is waiting

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The grand entrance of the impressive building marked the beginning of Kookie's long-awaited journey to reunite with his mother. As the car's door swung open, Kookie and his grandmother emerged onto the polished marble floor, and Kookie's eyes widened at the grandeur of the place.

The little 5-year-old boy, dressed in his finest clothes, stepped inside the building, and a curious hush spread through the lobby. It was as though the very air in the building held its breath, waiting for Kookie's arrival. Everyone who passed him couldn't help but bow respectfully and greet him with warmth and affection. It was clear that, despite his tender age, Kookie was a cherished figure within these walls.

The secretary, a friendly and familiar face, approached Kookie with a playful smile. "Mr. Jeon, I didn't know you were coming today," she teased, a twinkle in her eye. "Do you have an appointment with your mom?"

Kookie responded with an innocent giggle, a reminder of his youth. "Silly, who needs an appointment to meet their mom, right, Secretary-nim?"

The secretary chuckled warmly and ruffled Kookie's hair gently. "You're right, Kookie. Your mom is in a meeting right now, but she'll be free in about 10 minutes. You can wait for her in her office."

Kookie nodded eagerly, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Okay, Secretary-nim. Kookie is waiting."

With that, Kookie and his grandmother were guided to the elevator that would take them to the floor where his mother's office was located. The ride was smooth, and Kookie gazed in awe at the changing numbers on the display, each bringing him closer to the moment he had been eagerly awaiting.

As they reached their destination, Kookie and his grandmother were met with the sight of a grand office, fitting for a successful businesswoman and a hidden mafia queen. The desk was massive, and a large window provided a view of the city skyline. Kookie couldn't help but be amazed by it all.

He settled into one of the plush chairs in the office, his small legs swinging above the ground. His grandmother stood nearby, her watchful eyes never leaving him. The ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to slow down as Kookie waited for his mother to finish her meeting.

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