10. your daughter is more than safe with me

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After relentless requests and begging, my friends and I were granted the opportunity to assist in capturing Jeon Jungkook. We were still in the midst of our training, but our determination and the perfect plan we had devised were our driving forces.

My father, Mr. Kim, who had spent years on the Jungkook case, was naturally worried about our safety. We were his children, after all, and he knew the risks involved in pursuing someone as dangerous and elusive as Jungkook. Nevertheless, he recognized our dedication and trust in the plan, and he couldn't deny us the chance to help.

Our mission began with gathering intelligence on Jungkook's new plans and operations. We infiltrated a club where we believed key information could be obtained. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and my friends and I were on edge as we prepared to execute our part of the plan.

As we mingled with the clubgoers, we discreetly collected information and made connections. It was a tense and nerve-wracking process, but our training had prepared us well. We anticipated that everything would go smoothly, confident in the meticulous plan we had crafted.

Despite the initial apprehension, the night progressed without any major hiccups. We gathered valuable insights into Jungkook's activities, and it seemed like the operation was unfolding as planned. The sense of accomplishment and the thought of finally catching the elusive figure filled us with hope and determination.

As the night wore on, we knew that we had to go to the club discreetly and regroup to analyze the gathered information. It was a delicate moment, and we had to ensure that our exit wouldn't raise any suspicions. We were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to bring Jungkook to justice and make my father proud.

The mission was a testament to our training, teamwork, and unyielding resolve to capture Jeon Jungkook. We hoped that our efforts would be a step closer to the elusive victory we had longed for in this relentless pursuit.


Your mission was to distract a mafia leader in the club while the others gathered information about him.

"Black, where are you?" One in the team asked you.

"Where is she? She has to distract him." Another one said.

"Relax, I'm here." You said to them.

You entered the club, messed up your hair a little and got to the dance floor, making sure you were right in front of him. You started dancing. You could feel his (Jeon Jungkook's)eyes going all over your body.

"It's working y/n!" They said.

"In our signal, you leave." They said. "Yes yes, I know." As you kept dancing. You were wearing a tight black silky dress. The dress went up to mid of your thighs.

"Y/n we're done, leave carefully." They said.

Once they had gathered the necessary information, I began making my exit, following the predetermined plan. But just as I was about to leave through the back door, I felt strong hands suddenly grab my waist and push me against the wall. Panic and fear gripped me as I came face to face with Jeon Jungkook himself.

"Oh darling, that dancing was remarkable I'm not going to lie, but it's going to take more to fool me

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"Oh darling, that dancing was remarkable I'm not going to lie, but it's going to take more to fool me." He said.

For the first time, you notice his features. Tattoos all over his body, black hair, black mysterious eyes.

'Dear mother of God.' You thought to yourself as everything went black...

"Y/n y/n where are you Answer me are you safe" Mr Kim is asking you through Bluetooth.

"Don't worry Mr. Kim your daughter is more than safe with me "Jeon Jungkook spoke through the Bluetooth and you were in his arms being carried away.

Hearing these words from Jeon's mouth your father's heart sank and she and your other teammates ran towards the club to get you but guess what it was late already you were now with Jeon.


The next morning, Y/N awoke with the vivid memories of the previous night fresh in her mind. As she got out of bed, a feeling of unease began to wash over her. She decided to try the door of the room, her curiosity pushing her to see if the events from the night before were somehow real.

To her shock, as she reached for the door handle, it swung open by itself, revealing Jeon Jungkook standing just beyond the threshold. Y/N's heart raced, and her instincts told her to step back, creating some distance between herself and the unexpected presence of the man she had thought was gone from her life forever.

Jungkook's gaze was intense, and his presence was a mix of familiarity and mystery. Y/N's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as she tried to make sense of this inexplicable encounter. She stood there, frozen in the doorway.

"W-why am I here why didn't you kill me right there huh?" Y/n asked.

"Princess that's no fun and I have set my eyes on you so can't let you go that easily there should be fun in life right".

"My dad will kill you if anything happens to me understand that-" y/n was speaking but Jungkook cut her and spoke.

"He can't kill me and anyone in this whole world can't kill me I'm Jeon Jungkook and now you belong to Jeon Jungkook understand that and it will be good for you".

To be continued...

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