21. family meetup on Sunday

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After 5 hours of continuous wait y/n finally gained her consciousness and was stable.

Doctors made their way to inform the impatient Jungkook about this.

Hearing the news Jungkook and his other friends were relieved and he said he wanted to see her and Doctors gave him the way.

As Jungkook entered the ward his eyes met y/n's eyes which were in deep regret because she was back in hell and the king of hell was in front of her again. She questions her fate and why she always ends up in front of him.

After staring into her soul for 10 seconds Jungkook came forward and hugged her. She was shocked. Jungkook backed away from the hug and kissed her forehead and Jungkook's eyes were teary.

"How could you do that to yourself, what the hell were you thinking huh?" Jungkook questioned her. But got no response.

"You thought I would let you die so easily, you are stuck with me forever" Jungkook spoke.

"Why did you save me" y/n questioned "And why do you think I would let you do it, I love you, you are my princess, and I can do anything for you but just be with me by my side Don't run away from me I don't like it, I will worship you I will be on my knees for you if you want just be mine".

Y/n looked into his eyes which showed so much love she was confused about what to believe and what to not.

"If you love me then leave me, I want to be free I want my freedom, my family, my friends, you took away all that and you said you love me, people who love someone don't do this, how can you expect me to be happy and give love back to you when I'm not happy"

"This is how I love I want you all by myself, I can't share you y/n, if I let you go I will have to share you with people I Don't want to do that". Jungkook spoke in reply.

"I will try to run away again" y/n spoke.

"And I will catch you and bring you back to me no matter how many times you run away princess".

"I want to meet my family Jungkook" y/n spoke.

"Ok, but now you need rest enough of talking". Jungkook spoke and kissed y/n forehead tucked her in the comforter and went outside.


"How is she" his friends questioned.

"She wants to meet her parents" Jungkook told his friends.

"So what are you gonna do are you gonna let her meet her parents?" Jin asked.

"No I don't want to but if she will be happy with this I can try".Jungkook spoke and everyone nodded.



Mr. Kim, Y/N's father, was immersed in serious and meticulous planning to rescue his daughter from the clutches of the Jeon mansion. Determination fueled his every move as he sought to navigate the dangerous terrain of rescuing Y/N from the grasp of Jungkook.

Late nights were spent huddled over maps and blueprints, devising intricate strategies to infiltrate the heavily guarded mansion. Mr. Kim knew the risks involved, aware of Jungkook's formidable influence and the treacherous nature of the mafia world. Yet, his fatherly love propelled him forward, undeterred by the looming threats.

Contacts were discreetly cultivated, alliances subtly formed, and intelligence gathered meticulously. Every detail of the rescue operation was scrutinized to ensure a seamless extraction of Y/N from the oppressive environment she found herself in.

As Mr. Kim delved deeper into the underworld, his determination only intensified. His unwavering commitment to bringing his daughter back home underscored the poignant struggle against the formidable forces that held her captive in the Jeon mansion. The juxtaposition of a father's relentless efforts and Y/N's deteriorating mental health created a compelling tension, adding depth to the intricate narrative.

The phone rang with an unknown number, and Mr. Kim picked up, a sense of urgency in his movements. The voice on the other end sent shivers down his spine as Jungkook's smooth yet sinister tone filled the line.

Jungkook: "Hello, father-in-law, how are you?"

Mr. Kim's grip tightened on the phone, his voice laced with fury.

Mr Kim: "You bastard! Give me my daughter back!"

Jungkook seemed unfazed, his tone chillingly composed.

Jungkook: "Father-in-law, don't be that rude. Your daughter is safe and happy with me, but she misses you. So, I want to give her a surprise meetup with her parents. I know you'll start planning and plotting to catch me, so let me tell you, it's going to be a waste. If you want to meet your daughter, come to the Jeon mansion on Sunday. You'll be welcomed lovingly."

The call ended abruptly, leaving Mr. Kim in a mix of shock and anger. The ominous invitation added another layer of complexity to the already tense situation, setting the stage for a critical confrontation at the Jeon mansion.

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