5.Once upon a time...

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With Y/N temporarily away on business, Kookie's grandmother saw this as the perfect opportunity to share the romantic love story of Kookie's parents, Jeon Jungkook and Y/N. She settled Kookie comfortably in the living room and began to narrate the beautiful tale that had brought them together.

"Once upon a time," she began, her voice soft and melodious, "there was a young man named Jeon Jungkook. He was a successful businessman, well-known for his talents and ambitions. He had a heart full of dreams and a determination to make them all come true."

Kookie listened with rapt attention, eager to hear about the father he had never known. His grandmother continued, "Now, on the other side of the story, there was a young woman named Y/N. She was an ordinary girl with extraordinary kindness and grace. Y/N lived a simple life, but her heart was as pure as the morning dew."

"Jungkook and Y/N's paths crossed one fateful day," Kookie's grandmother continued, "in the most unexpected of places. They met on a crowded street, where their eyes locked in a moment of serendipity."

Kookie's imagination took flight as he envisioned the bustling city street where his parents' destinies converged. His grandmother's voice carried him through the tale, "As they spoke, they realized they were kindred spirits, despite their different worlds. Jungkook, with his charisma and success, was drawn to Y/N's genuine warmth and sincerity."

The story unfolded with moments of laughter, shared dreams, and budding romance. "Jungkook, a man who had it all in the business world, found something he cherished even more in Y/N's presence. Their love grew, deepened, and blossomed like the most beautiful of flowers."

Kookie's heart swelled with warmth as he imagined his parents, two individuals from different worlds, coming together in a bond of love that defied all odds. His grandmother continued, "They faced challenges, my dear Kookie, just like any love story. But they never wavered in their commitment to one another. They knew that love could overcome anything."

The tale went on, recounting the journey of love, sacrifice, and the enduring strength of the bond between Jungkook and Y/N. It was a love story that captured the essence of two people from contrasting worlds, proving that love knew no boundaries, be it status, wealth, or background.

As the story came to a close, Kookie's eyes shone with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the love that had brought him into this world.

Kookie, still wrapped in his grandmother's comforting embrace, couldn't help but let the curiosity he had harboured for so long resurface. His eyes filled with a mixture of emotions as he finally mustered the courage to ask the question that had been on his mind for years. "Grandma," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "where is my dad now?"

Mrs. Jeon's eyes glistened with tears, and she held Kookie even tighter. She took a deep, shuddering breath before she could bring herself to answer the question that had weighed heavily on her heart. "Kookie," she said, her voice trembling, "your dad... he's not with us anymore." Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a painful truth.

Kookie's young heart sank as he absorbed the devastating revelation. "He's not here? But why?" he asked, his voice quivering.

Mrs. Jeon's voice was filled with sadness as she explained, "He... he passed away in a car accident, Kookie. It was a tragedy." Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke the words, her love for her grandson and her grief for the loss of her son intertwining.

Kookie's eyes widened in shock and sorrow. The father he had yearned to know, the man in the love story his grandmother had just shared, was no longer in this world. The weight of the loss bore down on his tiny shoulders.

Mrs Jeon continued, her voice heavy with emotion, "After your dad's passing, your mom, Y/N, took over his business and worked tirelessly to keep his legacy alive. She became a strong and successful businesswoman in her own right."

Kookie's understanding of his mother deepened as he realized the strength and determination she had shown in the face of such tragedy. It was a poignant moment of realization, and the boy who had yearned to know more about his father now understood that he could never meet him in person.

The room was filled with unspoken sadness, and Kookie clung to his grandmother, seeking comfort in her embrace. He was left with a bittersweet mixture of emotions—gratitude for the love story he had heard, the understanding of the father he would never meet, and the enduring presence of the family that remained.

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