19. Can't walk

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Jungkook awoke the next morning, his body feeling the effects of the intense events of the previous night. As he opened his eyes, he gazed at his beautiful girlfriend, her face peaceful in slumber. Memories of the night before flashed through his mind, bringing a satisfied smile to his lips. It had been one of the best nights of his life, at least from his perspective.

He couldn't resist snuggling closer to Y/N, their naked bodies hidden beneath the sheets. She remained in a deep, undisturbed sleep, showing signs of exhaustion after the night's activities. Jungkook, on the other hand, felt a mix of contentment and fatigue as he reflected on their passionate night.

Realizing he needed more rest, Jungkook decided to take a break from his usual busy schedule. He reached for his phone and called his assistant to cancel all his meetings and events for the day. With that settled, he returned to the warm embrace of Y/N and the cosy blanket, allowing himself to drift back into a peaceful slumber, sharing the morning with the one he was becoming increasingly obsessed with.

Nearly noon

As Y/N's eyes slowly opened, she shifted her gaze to the side and found Jungkook already awake and fixated on her. The intensity of his stare was a constant reminder of their complicated and unsettling situation, leaving her uncertain of what the day might hold.

Jungkook wished Y/N "bonjour," but her response was a blank and uncomprehending stare.

As Y/N was hit by a wave of flashbacks from the previous night flooded her mind. The recollection of the memory made her cheeks flush a deep shade of red, resembling ripe tomatoes. The embarrassment and shame of that moment were overwhelming, and it added to the complex emotions swirling within her.

Jungkook: "What happened princess are you okay?" Jungkook asked with a worried face as he saw her face turning red.

Y/n: "You have no right to ask this question after what you did to me last night"

Jungkook: "Omg stop that you are making me shy y/n, I'm so shy".

Y/n looked at him with an irritated face as she couldn't believe this was the guy who ruined her entire night.

Y/n: "I-I need a warm bath J-jungkook"

Jungkook: "Wait let me settle everything for you in the bathroom"

Jungkook got up from the bed settled everything and filled the tub with warm water for y/n's bath.

As Jungkook came out of the bathroom he saw her trying to get up but fell on the floor too hard. Seeing her fall Jungkook rushed near her but she refused the help.

Y/n: "I will get up myself"

Jungkook: "Stop being stubborn we both know very well that you won't be able to walk properly after what I did to you last night"

As Jungkook finished these words y/n's cheeks turned red again from the embarrassment it was her first time to be intimate with someone. Without further argument, she accepted his help and he took her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom and made her sit on the slab of the sink and brought a bathrobe for her to wear as she was naked.

He helped her brush her teeth and even helped her in the bath she protested that she could do it herself but Jungkook is Jungkook he wouldn't listen so she let him do what he wanted to.

After the bath, he wrapped her in a towel dried her wet hair and helped her dress up.

"We will go shopping soon first you get well". Jungkook spoke to y/n.

Not Only brushing and bathing he even fed her himself and gave her some medicines to get well soon.

The entire day went by Jungkook taking care of y/n she couldn't believe he was the same monster from last night

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