12. A Knife

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-Read at your own risk.
-use of a knife
- mentally disturbing

The room was charged with tension as Y/N stood before Jungkook, Jungkook told y/n to sit on the bed but she refused to sit on the bed. She was torn between her fear for her father's safety and her strong-willed determination not to yield to Jungkook's demands.

Jungkook's voice, however, held an ominous undertone as he spoke with a veiled threat, "Mon amour, do as I say if you want your father safe and alive because I have no intentions of letting him live."

Y/N's anger and frustration boiled over, and she couldn't help but express her feelings. "I hate you, Jeon," she spat out, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and resentment.

In response to her words, Jungkook, with a deliberate and intimidating gesture, pulled a knife from a drawer. The gleam of the blade was a stark reminder of the danger that lurked beneath his veneer of control.

Y/N's nervousness was palpable as she stepped back, her instincts urging her to create distance from the menacing weapon in Jungkook's hand. His command was clear and authoritative as he ordered her, "Sit on the bed."

Reluctantly and with trepidation, Y/N obeyed his command, hesitatingly sitting on the bed. The room was filled with an eerie stillness as the power dynamic between Jungkook and Y/N shifted once again, leaving her in a vulnerable and unsettling position.

Jungkook came closer to her and sat in front of her and then told her to open her mouth.

Jungkook: "Princesse ouvre la bouche" (Princess open your mouth).

Jungkook knows everything about y/n he is also aware that her love for languages is very great and she knows many languages.

Y/n: (Nervously) "w-why?"

Jungkook: (commanding): "Don't question just open your mouth".

Y/n: "I am not your puppet and I won't do anything"

Jungkook: (darkened eyes) "My love, do you want me to force you huh".

Y/n: (shaking her head) "N-no".
Y/n was scared of Jungkook's aura and couldn't bring herself to fight against him.

She finally opened her mouth a bit and Jungkook smirked seeing her giving in.

Jungkook: "Good girl".

Jungkook sat very close to y/n. Both of them could feel each other's breath.

Jungkook took the knife and brought it close to y/n mouth. Seeing the knife y/n closed her mouth but Jungkook was determined to do what he wanted and he forcefully opened y/n mouth.

She tried pushing him away from herself but none of that was worth it. He was too powerful.

Soon she gave in and he grabbed her jaw tightly inserted his knife in her mouth and smiled like a maniac.

Tears fall out of y/n's eyes as she is scared.

Jungkook carefully thrusts the knife in and out then again in and out of y/n's mouth. her tears falling nonstop and she was scared of the sharp knife which could cut her mouth anytime...

But none of that happened and when Jungkook got satisfied he stopped pulled the knife away and took y/n into his embrace.

Jungkook: (Smiling) "You were a good girl you obeyed me and I liked it. I will keep you with me forever and love and cherish you with all I have but you will obey me always OK?"

Y/n: "I hate you jeon from the bottom of my heart, what have I done that you are doing this to me, please let me go Jungkook I swear I will never cross paths with you again".

Jungkook: "My name sounds so good from your mouth and I can't imagine how it will sound when I will fuck you you are so pretty I want to fuck you restlessly"

Hearing these words y/n felt disguising and her throat dried with fear and she just wanted to get out of this hell.

Jungkook: "I have some work so I need to go and I will be back in the evening OK love take a rest and eat well, I love you so much".

Kissing y/n forehead he left the room and y/n took a breath of relief but soon more tears started coming out of her eyes and she cried.

Poor girl has no idea what's coming for her.

To be continued...

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