6. Fake past story

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The next morning, as the sun gently illuminated the mansion, Kookie was still fast asleep, unaware of the events that were about to unfold. Y/N returned home, slightly injured from the dangerous world she navigated as a secret mafia queen. Her face bore signs of tension and concern, but she tried to mask her discomfort as she entered the house.

Mrs. Jeon, who had been waiting for her daughter's return, rushed to her side, her worry evident in her eyes. "Y/N, what happened?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Y/N tried to reassure her mother, her voice steady despite the pain she was feeling. "It's nothing, Mom. Just a minor scrape. I'll be fine."

Mrs. Jeon couldn't help but express her concern. "Y/N, you need to be more careful in this world of the mafia. Your safety is what matters most."

Y/N nodded, understanding her mother's worry. "I know, Mom. I'll be more cautious." She appreciated her mother's concern and care, even if it was sometimes difficult to reveal the true nature of her work.

As the morning light streamed into the mansion, Y/N and her mother moved to the bathroom. Mrs. Jeon helped Y/N clean up her injuries, tending to the minor wounds. It was a moment of quiet bonding between mother and daughter, a reflection of their deep connection and shared experiences.

While Mrs. Jeon carefully cleaned and bandaged Y/N's injuries, she couldn't help but bring up the conversation from the previous night. "Y/N," she began, her voice filled with apprehension, "Kookie asked about his father last night."

Y/N's heart clenched at the mention of her son's question. She knew she couldn't reveal the true story of his father's passing and the world she had tried to shield Kookie from. She looked at her mother-in-law with a sense of gratitude for understanding the necessity of the deception. " I couldn't resist his question anymore, so I told him a story, a fake one."

Y/n nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "It was for the best, Y/N. You're protecting him from the harsh truth of our world. We'll continue to do everything we can to keep him safe and happy."

As they shared this moment of understanding and reassurance, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for her mother's unwavering support and love, even in the face of the complex and dangerous world they inhabited.

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