16. Never

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After that, he took Y/n in his arms and she begged him to leave her and told him that she would never come back to his life she even asked for help from Taehyung and Jimin but they were no help.

"If your parents get killed that will be your fault princess" Jungkook spoke and y/n eyes widened.

"J-jungkook-" she spoke but Jungkook cut her off and spoke, "Look mon amour you made a big mistake and I'm very angry but as a good boyfriend I will give you have 2 punishment options choose which one you like ok Either I kill your parents and either I fuck you restlessly, that's on you to decide which one will you like ok, I have a very important meeting which I can't miss that's why I'm giving you time to think ok, I will be back soon".

With that, he left her alone in the room and she felt like both options were more like killing herself neither of them was a help.

she loved her parents they were not her real parents they adopted her from an orphanage with she was 5 because mr and Mrs. Kim didn't have a child but they wanted one. they adopted y/n raised her well. Her bond with them was very beautiful.

And letting Jungkook touch her is not something she wants as she doesn't like him at all she just wants to disappear in thin air right now but to her bad luck, she has no other option she wants to escape again but can't because if she is caught again she knows how bad that will be.

She had so much on her mind she didn't realize she had fallen asleep.

The maids came to check on her but they were also as helpless as the poor girl y/n herself. They wanted to help her but couldn't because that would put their own lives in danger if Jungkook got to know it.

They cover y/n in a blanket and let her sleep peacefully away from the harsh reality she is stuck in right now.


Jungkook, exhausted after a long day, entered his mansion. As he made his way to his room, he couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of Y/N peacefully sleeping. Her vulnerability in that moment softened his gaze, and his affection for her grew.

However, the eldest maid of Jungkook's mansion, often referred to as Ajumma, entered the room and approached him with a concerned expression.

"Kookie, she is an innocent girl," she began, her voice filled with compassion. "Please, let her go. She has a life too, right? Baby yo—"

Jungkook's response was firm, his determination unwavering. "Ajumma, do you remember when I was five? We used to go to the central park every evening, and there was a little girl from the orphanage who used to come and play with me. I always loved spending time with her."

Ajumma nodded, her eyes filled with reminiscence. "Yes, Kookie, I remember. But what about her? She stopped coming after some days, and you made us all crazy because of that, I remember."

Jungkook's voice carried a sense of nostalgia as he continued, "Ajumma, Y/N is that girl. She got adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Kim and moved away from there. That's why she stopped coming to see me. But now, I found her again, and this time I will not let her go. Never, Ajumma, never."

The depth of Jungkook's connection to Y/N and his determination to keep her by his side was evident in his words, and it was clear that he had no intention of letting her escape from his life again.

To be continued...

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