13. Dinner

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- mature content ahead

The mansion was silent, the weight of the day's events hanging heavy in the air. Y/N had refused to eat the entire day, her defiance a symbol of her anger and frustration. Despite the maids' persistent attempts to offer her food, she remained resolute, her hunger strike continuing well into the evening.

As the clock neared 11 PM, Jungkook returned to his mansion, his thoughts filled with the knowledge that Y/N had not eaten. He was both concerned and furious. He inquired of the maids, "Did Y/N have her dinner?"

The maids exchanged a nervous glance before one of them replied, "No, Mr. Jeon. She didn't eat anything the entire day."

Hearing this, Jungkook's anger flared, and he decided to take matters into his own hands. He collected a plate of food and headed towards Y/N's room. Opening the door, he found her seated on the bed, her gaze locking with his.

With a concerned expression, he approached her. "Princess, I heard you didn't eat anything the entire day," he stated.

Y/N remained silent, her eyes fixed on Jungkook as he stood before her, his worry evident.

"Words, princess. Words," he demanded, his tone unwavering.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before finally replying, "I'm not hungry."

Jungkook frowned, a hint of frustration tugging at his features. "Not possible, princess. Your history tells me that you love eating. It's your life, and you're not eating. Putting your anger on food is not good, princess. Come, eat with me. I'm also very hungry."

Y/N shook her head, her resistance unwavering. "I'm not hungry. Don't you understand that?"

Jungkook's patience wore thin, and he quipped, "Being a brat, I see, huh?"

Jungkook: "You need a lesson I see, are you sure you do not want to eat because after this I won't ask you"


Jungkook: "Acting tough I like this"

As Jungkook completed his words he kept the plate of food on the table away from bed. And came closer to Y/n removing his tie and then he forcefully took her both hands tied them together and tied the other end of the tie on the top of the bed and y/n tried to push him away but it was all a waste he was too powerful for her.

"J-jungkook what a-are you doing leave me" Y/n stammered and spoke and tears started beaming in her eyes.

"Teaching you a lesson mon amour" Jungkook spoke and finished tying her hands. he sat in front of her and soon his hand reached towards the hem of her joggers as she was in Jungkook's clothes.

"Jungkook Jungkook listen I will be a good girl i will eat the food and obey you and do everything you say please free my hands Jungkook please" y/n spoke.

"Too late love" Jungkook spoke and his hand went inside her joggers and y/n's breath hitched. "J-jungko-" Before she could complete her words Jungkook's fingers reached inside her virgina with no warning.

"A-ah J-junk ahh Jungkook please stop-p" y/n spoke with feeling pain and pleasure both at the same time.

"My name sounds so good from your mouth, I want you to scream my name so loudly that moaning will echo in the walls of my entire mansion princess". Jungkook spoke.

Tears started coming out of y/n's eyes and she rolled her eyes back as the pain was now turning into pleasure her moaning couldn't stop.

In this little dirty moment which was not happening with her consent, she somewhere found herself enjoying it which she should not feel.

"Will you be a good girl?" Jungkook questioned. "Ye-a-ahh yes"y/n replied.

"Good girl" Jungkook spoke pulled his fingers outside and freed y/n's hands.

"You know you are so hard to resist i can't control myself when I'm near you" Jungkook spoke and y/n looked at him her cheeks embarrassed red from what happened a moment ago her mind replaying the scene.

"Let's have dinner now ok darling" Jungkook spoke and y/n nodded in agreement lightly.

Jungkook picked y/n in his arms and took her to the dining table as the food he brought was cold he told the maids to reheat the food and then he fed y/n by himself.

Later that night he slept in her warm embrace but the girl couldn't sleep because her life was being controlled and torn away by this man who was sleeping so peacefully in her arms.

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