The start before the start.

Lani  was ready to get this over with. She had told her friends time and time again how much she despised birthday parties. Having to sit there and smile and accept a bunch of presents from people who gives zero fucks about her all other 364 days of the year.

But after the year they all had. She decided to let them have their way and party would uplift everyone's spirits.Yet of course things couldn't go to plan. Lani cursed out the heavens and the dumbass driver ended up hitting her as she was walking across the street. There was no excuse the roads were clear it was a red light there were no other cars around hell there were three other people walking in front of her yet the dumbass had to go and run her over.

27 was a great age should I was in a worse age either. She lives life to the fullest for the past 7 or so years. But she was aware on how much this was going to absolutely tear her friend group and her family apart especially after that crazy psychopath that went around murdering people in their neighborhood just last year. They already gone through so much loss just for them to lose her due to some insane-ass driver.

Oh well as that psychopathic annoying ass old dumb ass fuck man once said. Death is just life's next great adventure.

Warm and hot

That's what Lani felt like. She couldn't tell you how long it had been since her death. She knows that it's been quite a long time though at first she kept count or try to after 12 years she gave up. She was left in a weird place she's not sure if it was purgatory then between or her personal  hell.

It was just a nice house one where she didn't leave or more accurately she couldn't leave. It was big enough for her to explore and do things for the first four years but I'll getting bored before things started to become a little too boring. Then the packages started to arrive at first it was little things her favorite foods new clothing. Then it became books, painting supplies, knitting supplies the list went on and on. Eventually she was able to make that lovely sized house into true home then one night she fell asleep and she was in the dark so nothing but darkness for good two or three years she say.Now it seems she was on to somewhere else.

Slowly she began to wake up. Realizing that the world was due to the Sun that was beaming directly on to her. The hotness was things to be way too heavy blanket that was draped across her body.

Looking around and noticing how bland the room was. Not one pop of personality besides a few plants. It looked like a guest bedroom. Quietly standing up from the bed. She was surprised to see how pale her skin was.

Her normal brown sugar tone gone. Something that's never Happened before. Normally she still  looked the same. Same dress she had on, makeup, hair done ect. She's been in full glam for over 12 years that she's forgotten what she looked like with our makeup or her hair done up.

Deciding to find a mirror quickly before she starts freaking out. Looking around she spotted another door. Assuming it was a bathroom and headed to it. Opening the door and being greeted by a mirror. Lani had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming.

As she saw a young Kristen Stewart who looked like a mix between her self and her twilight character. Lani was thinking of all the things she could do to test out, if this was real or not. When the coppery taste of blood hit her tongue. Letting her know this was really. As she had noticed that she didn't have normal bodily functions out side of sleep. On top of being unable to get hurt or die again.

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