She felt as if time stood still. Watching as the car door Opened and the cullens came out. Even without looking around she could feel the eyes leaving her and her car. As it seemed everyone was now focusing on the beautiful creatures next to her.

A sigh left her lips a she took in a breath. Not even noticing when she had stopped breathing in the first place. Quickly and as quietly as she could exiting her car. Now.that she wasn't the center of attention she thought it should be easier to get into the school to bad the paranormal teenagers had another plan.

Before she could truly slip away a cold arm fell across her shoulders. As another cold arm was fling around her waist. Surprisingly neither one of them felt as heavy or as hard as marble. If anything it just felt more like a weighted blanket. She couldn't help herself but it's a slightly move her finger just enough to rub the arm around her waist. If anything is felt more like silk. It was definitely way smoother than one would assume any human skin could be. Yet it was also soft to the touch there was a slight firmness underneath it that one could mistake for well-defined muscle. But not enough of a difference that one would assume that these were not just really fit stupidly attractive and Rich teenagers with way too much money and a lot of time on their hands.

"Hello darling I'm Jasper Whitlock-Cullen. And the little lady on the other side is my girlfriend Alice Brandon-Hale, the blond beauty is Rosalie Hale. "

Bella was aware that she blinked a few times too many. She was also praying and hoping that they didn't feel the shiver that went down her spine of hearing his voice. She knew that there was a high possibility that she would have to talk to the Cullens eventually but not this soon and she also wasn't expecting their voices to sound so enchanting?

Jasper had a Texan draw which she was expecting. But she wasn't expecting was for to sound so smooth a little husky. It felt like a cold evening in front of the fire sipping on a glass of whiskey neat. It felt like Love on a plush carpet in front of a fireplace. Something about it was equal parts alluring and calming and equal parts dangerous and primal. Not to mention she's pretty sure that there was quite a bit of a purr in his voice as he spoke to her.

Before she could go on thinking about how his voice sounded. Respect leading on how it sounds saying certain things. It seemed the other two decided to talk for themselves.

"We're so very happy that you're here. We can help you get around if you need it."

"Honestly if you need help you should probably come to one of us or Emmett in the first place. Everyone else in the school will just try to get gossip out of you or pry into your life so that they have something to talk about. Also I'd say as far away from Jessica and Lauren as possible. Trust me they've done nothing but talk about you as if you be their biggest competition even though no one likes them in the first place."

Wind chimes, Alice's voice sounded like wind chimes. It was high pitched but not comically so. Everything that she said sounded very melodic almost as if she was singing along to a song or Melody that nobody else could hear. Slightly airy a little breathy. But more in the running around while laughing and having fun and then trying to get a sentence out later type of breathiness it was a light. Very pretty which is very interesting as it contradict just slightly with the way that the petite vampire dressed.

As Bella sat there looking down at her. Fishnet stockings underneath the mid-length black skirt. Combat boots, she would assume it was a crop top that she was wearing underneath the slightly short sweater feeling that a bit of her stomach was exposed showing a dangling belly button piercing. The school jacket she was wearing was clearly two sizes too big and the tie was thrown around her neck like one of those skinny little fashion scarves. Her ears were adoned with many different earrings.

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