Let's talk about Sex baby

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Let's talk about sex baby let's talk about you and me.

That's a song I genuinely forgot the name of it but I know it's the song that my grandmother used to listen to all the time she used to play old school songs all the time and like 95% of them were baby making music that I'm pretty sure my dad and his siblings were conceived too.

That being said chapter 4 has gone up and this is most likely going up right after chapter 4 and I want to just I feel like I didn't really talk about this so we're going to talk about this.

Covens fuck each other. That's really all this is going to be about is me talking about that because I definitely feel like people might be a bit confused on the way that Jasper was talking about things but you guys will probably also be a little confused on the way that Alice Emmett and Rose will act around Isabella since she supposed to be you know there coven leader and their father figure sorta kinda his like perfect match and mate.

Now as I stated before vampires and werewolves I basically have the same rule of thumb where soulmates are a thing but you can have multiple of them with vampires it's just a little more complicated because again they're immortal beings that can live forever so you could meet someone who could possibly be a soulmate but they're like five and you're like 500 years old which would make it complicated you know you don't want to sit there and groom the five-year-old but you also don't want to not keep up with them you know just in case you have to save them so they don't necessarily die.

But personally I always kind of felt like vampires because of the way that they are the way that they come off as and also the way I think they're origin kind of started off as you know something to hold in religious text and things they're supposed to be sexual being.

I am not Jewish or Christian but I have family members that are from both religions and I remember as an English assignment we had to write about a mythical or religious but also still technically mythical person or creature and I decided to write about Lilith.

For those who are unaware Lilith was Adam's first wife but she refused to submit to him so she was casted out of the garden of Eden now her origin does get twisted around depending on where you research and where you read it from but ultimately she is seen as like the mother of things that Go bump in the night her Greek counterpart would be the premortal goddess Nyx the goddess of the night who again also is the personification of night but also the Creator and mother of both the sun and moon and the mythical creatures that go bump in the night.

The thing is Lilith is always heavily intertwined with vampire lore and succubus lore and sometimes succubus and vampires have the exact same traits meaning that they're both non-human stupidly beautiful beings that pray on humans the only difference being that sometimes they feed off of the sexual energy and life force from humans as in they fuck you you come and they take that from you and with it a little bit of your life force. The other half they quite literally drink your blood which is again your life force.

So taking a little inspiration from that and that four-page essay I had to write once in 9th grade. I decided that vampires are inherently very sexual beings everything about them and is enhanced which means that connections and stuff would be enhanced too in my mind most covenants sleep with each other they don't really technically have the same issues that humans would with oh I see you as like my sister I see you as my brother I see you as a father figure because they're also well aware of the fact that one no one in this coven is blood related to each other whatsoever and two it's not that they see each other like that more so than that's the roles that they play ultimately the Cullen coven is more like a group of adults who are friends that over the years became more than that with the exception of Allison Jasper where as soon as they joined the coven because of everything that Alice knew about them and would share with Jasper it didn't take long before they also joined in on the orgies that would occasionally happen.

But yeah they're kind of like in a polyamorous relationship except for the fact that they have their primary partners and then everyone else is just like more of a side partner.

but yes they do fuck and Edward is a part of this so Edward is not just a moody little virgin boy. He has slept with both Rose and Alice alongside having also been sexually intimate with emmett, Jasper and Carlisle.

I also would just like to warn that I've never actually published Smut before I've written it a handful of times to help out a friend with their writing if they were trying to write a spicy scene or for the hell of it cuz I just had a idea in my mind. But I will say that not now not within like the first six to seven chapters but a little later on we'll probably get you know a little hints and sprinkle over here and there with the coven because I definitely think that Isabella being around and because all of them will be attracted to her the same way they are attracted to Carlisle. If not slightly more that there's definitely going to have to be moments where they need to just slip away and do some heavy petting if not full on fucking each other somewhere in public because them being around her is like a natural aphrodisiac especially because she is human so it's like that added layer of the fact that her blood also would smell slightly good kind of like a really nice perfume and also she basically be giving off pheromones without knowing that she is because she's made for that coven.

but yeah I just wanted to put it out there because I do know that some people might sit there and be like this is gross or this is weird or how could you like you've been warned now for chapters in the future so if this is not your cup of tea it's okay to just leave.

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