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Two weeks later

Bella could not wait to get on that plane and get as far away from here as possible. To say that she was absolutely fuming after the conversation she had with her new father would be an absolute understatement.

Now don't get it twisted she wasn't pissed off at Charlie matter of fact she just felt even more bad for the poor man. He didn't recognize the number but decided to pick up anyway and sound absolutely surprised yet so happy to hear his daughter's voice. Of course she was confused on that and decided to ask why he hadn't called just for him to sound confused and talk about the fact that he had been calling. He called the house at least once a month the first year after she decided not to visit for the summer and then after that it was during the holidays and her birthday but her mom would always tell him that she was busy. She couldn't come to the phone she's out with friends.

She was deliberately keeping Bella from her father. Something that Lani it was a fact dealing that when she did have to go to school for the first week that she was there. She noticed that Bella didn't have any friends. Not like she had one or two friends but like she had absolutely nobody that she talked to you except for one other girl. The sad thing was neither one of them were friendless on purpose. It took no more than two days at that school before it finally hit her that Isabella swan was known as the gold digger's daughter and no one wanted to befriend her. It would seem that apparently Phil had been in a relationship before her and her mother came around. So much so that he was even thinking of proposing to this woman when all of a sudden two weeks after the Swan family moved in. He breaks up with his longtime girlfriend of 7 years and ends up getting with her mom.

It would also seem that he had a daughter with his ex-girlfriend. Who just so happened to be a year older than Isabella and going to the same school. Something that the original host of the body was unaware of but something that Lani make sure to learn everything about.

It would seem that Phil wasn't exactly the best dude but he wasn't the worst. Lani knows how she can get when it comes to leaving things on looked into you so she threw everything she had into it for that first week. Finding out more and more things that just made her despise her birth giver in this world more than anything. It would seem that Phil and his girlfriend were high school sweethearts much like her own parents. They didn't get married right after because he ended up getting into the minor league. He had no clue that his high school sweetheart was pregnant when he left and she didn't tell him until they reconnected several years later. That's when they decided to start dating everything was good and great and he was planning on proposing to her until he met the new woman in town.

Now no one knows exactly what happened except for the fact that one minute they're talking and seem pretty kind to each other. The next fill is avoiding her for a few weeks and then next thing they know they're being seen at a bar together talking and drinking and leaving together. All of a sudden two days later he's breaking up with his girlfriend saying goodbye to his daughter and moving in with a new woman.

Isabella being none the wiser about anything that's happening since she was too busy taking care of the house that her mother refused to be an adult in. Making sure that all their finances were taken care of bills were being paid, food was in the fridge things that normally parents are supposed to do in a household.

Stuff that Phil quickly picked up on and quickly took over the role of doing. Instead pushing Isabella to go out trying to make friends even introducing her to his daughter without letting her know what's his daughter. Which was probably the worst thing he could have done dealing that Isabella was an awkward kid. She didn't know what to say or what to do and she tried just being nice to the girl of course it lets him talking about their parents. Isabella being completely unaware that she was Phil's daughter sharing things with her. Letting her know how she basically had to do everything around the house her mom didn't do anything at all. Thinking she found a friend a confidant spelling all of her emotions and feelings into this girl just for her to start school that following school year and no one to like her.

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