Ah Humans!

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Charlie swan


addy swan is 36 years old and stands at 6 ft tall.
Charlie is the chief of police he has a pretty good relationship with a lot of the people in the town regardless of how young he is.

him and Renee got married right after high school I'm talking they turned 18 and they tied the knot he is a year younger than her she's actually older than he is by a year. They had Bella when they were like 20/21 so it wasn't long after they had graduated and he had started the police academy that Renee fell pregnant and they had bella.

Isabella is actually named after Charlie's mom while her middle name Marie is Renee's mom.

Charlie was absolutely happy and overjoyed to be married to his high school sweetheart they dated for 3 years in high school. He was actually a very popular guy in his school he was on the football team he was the captain, valedictorian of his year, he was one of those popular people who genuinely cared about everyone in the school and did whatever he said to help out he wasn't there for bullying he would constantly sit there and bench the football players who thought bullying was fun or even kick them off with the team all together.

very much was looking out for the little guy low-key good cop in the making. Renee was a cheerleader she wasn't the head cheerleader she was a co-captain during her last two years of high school and she really liked Charlie Charlie liked her she came off as a very nice girl his parents liked her he got along with her parents he didn't think there's anything wrong with her relationship whatsoever and then one day when Isabella was only about 2 or 3 years old he came home to an empty house Renee had taken their daughter and left.

the only thing he had waiting for him was leftovers in the fridge and divorce papers on the shelf. To say that he was devastated but also extremely pissed off would be an understatement he tried everything he could to even try to find Renee in the first place she made sure that she disappeared until the divorce papers were signed and then after that the only time he ever talked to her was when he was trying to talk to his daughter. He spent a good two years after Renee stop sending Isabella over in a depressed funk.

if it wasn't for Billy and Sue he probably wouldn't have made it. As he was drinking every night he was barely able to get any of his work done and had even managed to get himself into two or three car accidents luckily near the reserve so Billy and the other elders chose to not report him for his own good knowing that if he lost that job he would probably spiral even worse than he already was after essentially losing his daughter who he thought the world of.

Charlie was never truly able to move on not because he was so in love with Renee but because he was too afraid to. He was generally afraid and scared that maybe Renee was right in the lengthy message that she ended up leaving him after the last time he saw Isabella which was that he was...

overbearing and boring not to mention he sucked the life and fun out of anything. He didn't know how to truly have fun to let loose and he was too much of a traditional man even though that was a little bullshit and Billy and Sue made sure that he was aware of it and that Renee was really just shitting on him because she decided to settle down way too quickly instead of her saying something in the first place.

Technically speaking the only reason why Renee and Charlie got married so quickly is because Renee's parents were on the older side and her dad was extremely sick and she wanted him to walk her down the aisle. Charlie actually tried to convince her to wait until they were a bit older he knew that she wanted her dad to walk her down the aisle and he said they can have a ceremony but they won't legally get married till later on and she refused for them to do that saying that she didn't want to have a sham wedding and then sat there and told him how she wanted to have a child before her parents were gone. So he agreed to it they got married right away they had a kid within the first year and a half of their marriage and by the time Renee's dad died and then her mom followed right after Isabella was 1 years old.

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