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Lani slowly looked back at her father as he started talking about his work schedule. Trying not to take another peak at the cullens.

The description of them in the illustrated guide and even their counterparts in the movies from her original reality did them no justice. Honestly she was kind of confused on how anyone looked at them and didn't automatically think that they were too perfect to be human. She was also surprised when she noticed them both actually sitting there and eating. It would seem her initial thoughts that this world was probably a lot different from what she had saw portrayed of it.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind. Instead giving her father all of her attention. They sat there for a few more minutes discussing exactly how the schedule will work. Charlie was promising her that he was going to see if he could possibly get his deputy to take over a little bit more of his workload. Wanting to catch up and spend as much time with his daughter as possible. She wasn't going to deny herself him or the original Isabella this.

Addy made her way back over just before they were done. Her kind smiling lighting up the area. Lani couldn't help but to like the woman. She knew that the dinner was most likely to become her go to hang out spot from now on.

"Have you two decided on any dessert yet?"

Charlie looked towards his daughter watching her as she looked over the menu. A smile on his face one that the women around him noticed and swooned over.

Meanwhile across the dinner Paul and Sam sat there watching the two. Having noticed the Cullen's looking in that direction. It took everything in them not to demand answers to why they were watching the two. That is until they started watching them.

Paul wasn't normally into blonde hair blue/green eyed pale women. Especially not women who didn't have curves for days and legs that could go on for miles. Yet there was something about chief Swan's daughter that drew him in a little. The girl was sweet yet edgy looking. The way she was actively listening and bantering with her dad and Addy definitely add to the appeal too. Isabella seemed more real compared to the usual woman he would go after.

Sam on the other hand was slightly confused. Something about her made his wolf want to protect her. But it wasn't the same with Emily or Leah. It wasn't a pack bond or an imprint bond. But it was something, meaning he would have to find a way to interact and talk to the girl. Hopefully hope you would find a way that doesn't make the chief feel as if he was trying to make a move on his teenage daughter.

Looking across the table towards Paul he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Sending a Swift and hard smack straight to the back of his head. Watching in satisfaction as Paul grumbled about being unfairly treated as he looked back at sam. He was also glad when he didn't have to say anything but give Paul a look for him to understand that the chief's daughter was off limits. Not only was Chief Swan good friends with the council. He was also a regular human and the literal law. The last thing they needed was him to keep it even closer eye than he already did on Paul with his womanizing ways.

"I get it dam. But I will say she's pretty. Definitely not what I was expecting."

Sam raised an eyebrow as he looked at him. Wanting him to elaborate.

Sighing as he leaned back, both of them ignoring the slight creaking sound of the wooden chair underneath them. Paul walked out the window before looking back towards the swan family.

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