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Isabella and her father caught up on things as they waited for there meals to arrive.

"So no boyfriend waiting back in Phoenix for you Bells'?"

Charlie asked as nonchalantly as he could. The poor man being genuinely curious about whether or not his little girl had anyone waiting for her. She never really talked much about friends let alone dating over the course of the two weeks and it worried him slightly. Not that dating part but the finest part he wonder if his ex-wife truly was taking out her insecurities on their little girl he knew just how competitive Renee could be.

Bella snorted as she shook her head no. Looking at her dad and seeing that he was waiting for an in-depth answer. With a sigh she decided to give him the footnotes version of how things were. Honestly she could care less about Renee or how her father might end up seeing his ex-wife but at the same time she didn't want to ruin their happy reunion.

A part of her genuinely wanted to know what it be and feel like to have a parent that cared. Why the other part of her felt like she owed this to Isabella the original Isabella.

"Dad I'm so happy that I'm finally here I really don't want to ruin the day moment. So I'm going to be the short version. Mom when she moved to town let's just say she may or may not have caused by the scandal when she decided to go after Phil. Apparently he was about to be engaged at high school sweetheart they had a daughter together themselves who the year older than me and somehow mom managed to weasel her way into getting the man very drunk and then having rumors started about the two of them which led to his relationship ending and him and Mom starting to date and her daughter was already fairly well known and popular in town and loved. So you can only imagine how things turned out when we had two circles to school together and how the rumors would fly. I was known as the gold digger's daughter I didn't have many friends let alone a chance to date anyone."

Charlie could feel his blood begin to boil. He knew that his smile probably looks slightly strained that you know longer looked as relaxed as before. Of course he didn't want to ruin the moment as Isabel was standard. He knew how happy his daughter must be specially now even more so to no longer be in a town where people were judging and looking down on her because of her mother.

Yet he couldn't help but want to find that woman and strangle her. He couldn't understand why she even took Isabella if this was going to be how things turned out. He knew that Renee was well aware of how much Charlie loved his daughter that if she wanted to leave and divorce he would have gladly let her go and kept their daughter. Yet a part of him knew it was probably because of her sick and twisted way of thinking.

Charlie was well aware of how much Renee liked being under people's skin. How she enjoyed having some kind of hold over people. He wouldn't be surprised if the only reason why she even took Isabella was so that she would always have ties to him hell the last time he had seen his daughter or talked to his ex-wife was when she tried to make a move on him as if she didn't take his heart and shatter into a million pieces. As if she didn't take his daughter and disappear one day leaving nothing but divorce papers until he signed and then miraculously show him back up for visitation.

It wasn't until Isabella had reached out to him. It wasn't until she had asked to move in and then 2 weeks ago decided to have a conversation asking him why that it truly hit him how twisted Renee could be. It was then that is solidified for him the only reason he hadn't saw his daughter was because he denied his ex-wife a beneficial relationship as she saw it where he got to see his daughter during the summer and she got sleep with him when she came to pick up there daughter.

Before he could say anything  Abby had arrived with there order. A smile on her face as she dropped it off and let Charlie know that she'll swing back around for a chat later. Both Swan's nodding there head as they thanked the preppy women.

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