~Time skip~

Lani sighed as she threw herself on to her bed. Looking over at the window and deciding to lock it. During the blinds over it and placing a handful of trinkets on the window seal.

Even though she was absolutely positive that there would be no Edward creeping into her room. She just wanted to be on the safe side make sure just in case. She couldn't lie she enjoyed her time with Charlie even if a part of her felt as if it was nothing more than a con. She shouldn't have been there is a Bella should have yet some part of her knew that Isabella was watching from wherever she was happy to see how her life was turning out.

Shaking the depressive thoughts out of her head. She grab a change of clothes and made her way into the bathroom. As she sat there doing her nightly routine having picked up quite a few skincare products and hair products on their very short trip to the general everything store in town after their quick dinner at the diner. She couldn't know but smiling at the interactions that her and Charlie had. She absolutely adored Addie, meeting Sam and Paul was interesting to say the least. The banter between herself and Paul was quite fun especially if she watched her father go back and forth between looking as if he wanted to rip the boys head off and glad that she was joking around and talking to someone. There's something about the way that Sam looked at her that she found odd it was almost a familiarity. It reminded her a little bit of how she would look at her own siblings. That look of a older sibling just being happy for their younger siblings she wonder if the original Isabella may have had some form of relationship with the other children at the reserve. She was aware of that Jacob and her clearly did have some kind of friendship especially if the jokes Paul were making was anything to go by.

Then again she was also aware of the fact that clearly the story told in her past life was slightly different than the one that was actually unfolding here. As she finished up her night routine finding a place for all of her skin care and Harry products in the quaint little bathroom. Slightly surprised that how little Charlie had in the cabinet or anywhere for that matter.

Her mind wondered to the cullens or at least the two she saw that day. She was positive it was Allison Jasper sitting there. Yet at the same time she was genuinely surprised not only to see them eating food and not looking as if they were going to throw it up but the expressions on their face the fact that she noticed Alice blushing twice. Or the fact that Jasper's eyes were blue. They didn't have those Amber eyes like everyone did in the movies where she was from. They didn't look insanely like giant statues of marvel yes they were still rather pale slightly paler than she thought a normal human would look and they were ridiculously gorgeous. Yet they were still realistic looking?

They looked how one envisioned supermodels to look. They looked how one imagined a celebrity with a bunch of money and people to make sure that they never age with luck. They looked stupidly and utterly perfect yet in a very human-like way if anything she'd say it was more about the way they held themselves the aura around them that made them feel slightly off putting than anything. It was almost as if something in the back of her brain was sending her slight warning signals that there was just something off about them but it was so faint enough that she can see how normal average person unaware of them being vampires would just take it as themselves just feeling intimidating, envious or maybe even jealous of how good-looking they are and how rich they were.

Addy had seemed to have picked up on her wandering eye at least once or twice. Especially dealing that before her and Charlie had left she had pulled Isabella to the side. Giving her a slight smile before letting her know that the calling kids were quite an interesting group but they were good kids. That their Uncle who took care of them along with his sister who was the mom of two of the kids took real good care of them made sure that they were in good children even with them being so close to age with their uncle. Even pointing out the fact that they needed some good friend.

Going so far is pointing out that they understood exactly how Isabella felt as they were the new kids not too long ago themselves. Also hinting at the fact that Charlie does seem to have a soft spot for the kids so if she did befriend them and decided to play hook you or go do what teenagers do and probably wouldn't be as harsh on her as he would if she was to say decide to go sneak around with paul.

Lani just after smiling and knotted taking in what she was being told. Before giving the kind woman a hug and rushing back over to the cruiser as her dad pulled up to the front of the diner. A ghost of a smile on his face as he watched the two. If Addy wasn't married she would have thought her father had a thing for her but she knew better.

Making it back into her room she couldn't but smile. She was going to make sure that things went better than in the timeline she was aware of. She's going to make sure that not only did Isabella get to have a great time in high school and possibly college but that she got to find the experience having a good time being just a regular teenager. This was a due over a fresh start for them both.

~Next Day~

She could do this yeah totally she have this in the bag. She didn't even worry about Edward and his weird obsession or being a biology class she could probably actively avoid the other kids that would just annoy her she has this she can do this.

Lani in fact I did not have this. As she sat there in the school parking lot a good 10 minutes away from the first Bell ringing. She couldn't help but feel as if she was in over her head. The morning started off perfectly fine she went through her little match of telling herself she can do it she'll be fine it's only one day it's a Friday how bad could it be?

How bad could it be? Very bad her morning was her dad was perfectly fine. Charlie decided that he was going to go to work a little late that day so that you can see his daughter off. The two of them had a pretty basic breakfast of her teaching her dad how to make pancakes from scratch. Let's just say the chief of police was going to be going to work that day with some extra flour in his mustache and on his uniform but as long as it's not mistaken for other white substance he'll be good.

it wasn't until she was maybe a block away from the school that thing started going south. First three different cars almost ran hers over. Then she got flipped off by one of her classmates she's 100% sure was Lauren who cut her off to rush into the school parking lot especially if the look on her face after Bella pulled in and parked her car was anything to go by. And then it was the fact that the only reason she was stealing her car is because no one has entered the school yet. Everyone was standing outside of their car and just watching her.

Lani was and has always been a confident woman she's well aware of the fact that when she walks into a room she demands attention. But there's a difference between walking into a room and demanding attention and everyone creepy watching your every move.

She was absolutely positive that when she had sneezed only a few seconds ago that several people in the parking lot looked at each other before mouthing bless you towards her. The level at which the student body was watching her was horror movies level of creepy.

Right before she was about to leave her car the Cullen's pulled up. And of course they parked right next to her.

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