Her outfit:

(Forget to add it at the end of the last chapter

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(Forget to add it at the end of the last chapter. I'm going with the fact that the school technically has some form of like a uniform code but also is very lenient to tell the kids dress just to make it a bit easier. So like she's not wearing the uniform pants/skirt she is wearing the uniform shirt. Along with the mandatory tie we're going to pretend that this high has some kind of like insignia or something on it just because I like to think that if the cullens did move to some place they'd be going to like a better school and also the chief of police daughter would be going to like a slightly better school plus their school was just boring. It's not a prep school or private school but it's like more of a slightly private school like there is tuition being paid by everyone going to the school we're probably going to stick with just calling it forks high because I don't feel like coming out with a name for it but if I do I'll let you guys know in a later chapter. But this is like the preferred school and then there is a public high school but that is not the one she's going to.)

Alice was nothing but good vibes and giggles in the car. She had managed to convince Edward to drive his own car to school that day. Emmet joining him while Jasper and Rosalie joined her.

As soon as they had gotten home last night she just knew something was up. Rosa and Emmet seemed different plus Edward was grumpy and mumbling about his virtue and pornstars.

Something that made Carlisle blush and grab Edward into another room. One of the soundproof rooms that they have most likely to have a talk with him and his eavesdropping ways. Of course as soon as he is out of the way Rosa and Emmett were right next to her in jasper. The two of them asking her if she saw any kind of visions or anything that may have dealt with the new girl coming to town. It's everything in Alice not to absolutely squeal of course they had ran into her she should have known they went to the airport it would make sense that they ended up seeing each other.

She knew better than to try and say anything since the room may have been soundproof. It wasn't Edward proof he would still be able to read her mind and she can feel the slight presence of him once again just skirting on the outskirts of her thoughts so instead she gave Jasper a look. I should proceeded to sit there and recite Barbie girl in her head while thinking of all the cute outfit shoes going to possibly buy that weekend.

Jasper smirked as he answered the couple. Telling them exactly what they saw and the pull they had towards her. Alice couldn't help but smile wider her face most likely resembling that of the Cheshire cat. Especially if she took in the emotions flickering through her coven meets eyes and faces. The looks coming and going so quickly that the average human won't even notice that it happened the most they would notice is a slight movement of their lips before I would go right back to the board looking mask that Rosa wore so beautifully.

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